looking for marathon training for first beginning marathon..want to complete it and think I can do it under 6hrs any sugestions. Also at the moment i run three times a week is this enough?
marathon training?: looking for... - Fun Beyond 10K & ...
marathon training?

The myasics plan looks OK, pretty gentle going. 18 weeks with three runs per week (with my personal stats that is, and I think I input 'medium intensity'). I had a look at myasics for comparison, but I haven't been following a formal plan. I aimed to increase my distance gradually, and do some speed and some hill work each week. Also some strength training most days (just short sessions at home). I only run three times a week - I'll let you know how well it worked for me after Oct 29th
Medium intensity is very hard!
If you have been running under 18 to 24 months pick the easy plan. The training can wear you out before the event
If you choose both plans, and compare them, you will see the easy plan one is full of fast running! So just be aware of what you might be taking on. If you have not done one before then please do the easy one βΊ
I just re-did the plan with my new hm best, and it made quite a difference to the speed of the runs in the plan! The plans are tailored to the individual, based upon how fast you can currently go (as determined by how fast you have run a particular distance you input), your gender, and your age. You can also add the date of your marathon, although it will tell you if you're being overly optimistic! Pretty good I reckon.
But yes, of course Miss W is right, the mild intensity will be just fine

I trained for my first marathon on 3 runs a week.... 2 shorter and one long one. I did it in 5.30 but it was really hard. I ran Brighton in April and trained 4 times a week and I finished strong, and that was 5.20. I think your plan is very doable, keep posting on your progress so we can support you π
Hi Have a look on Amazon for the Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer by Whisetts not expensive and I've just finished reading it and it makes it feel very doable the good thing is its a week by week guide so it helps with many of the pit falls along the journey !! Best of luck and happy running