swollen and itchy eyelid after injection - Macular Society

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swollen and itchy eyelid after injection

entredoo profile image
9 Replies

Two days after the shot in my right eye for AMD my eye lid is swollen. I've had 6 shots with no trouble. Now part of the eyelid is swollen and below the eye is as well. I was given different antibiotic drops...zymar instead of tobromycin, maybe it's an allergic response? I'm new here and this is my first post


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entredoo profile image
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9 Replies
springcross profile image

Hi entredoo and welcome to the forum. I'm afraid I don't know the answer to your question as I have no knowledge of anti biotics after injection. Someone will probably be along later though and hopefully will be able to help. x

entredoo profile image
entredoo in reply to springcross

Thanks for your reply Springcross. I always have antibiotic drops after injection... for 3 days four times a day. It's the practise at my Retina Center

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to entredoo

Ah I see that you are in Canada entredoo. We don't have that here, well at least NHS patients don't but maybe private ones do. x

magicman229 profile image

Hello entredoo, I had the exact same problem. After maybe 10 injections (eyelea) with no problems, last year after an injection I experienced extremely itchy eyelid, reddening and some swelling of the eyelid, and general localized irritation of that eye, beginning the day after the injection and lasting for 2 months. I tried everything, steroid drops, refrigerated green tea bags that had been steeped, various artificial tears, wipers, etc. No luck. On this forum I read that one person asked her doctor to flush the eye after the next injection, and her problem was for the most part solved. I did the same at my next injection, with the same results. Minor irritation, minor itching, 95% less than before. Some suggested using a different antibiotic, but my doctor is a staunch adovocate of the antibiotic that he uses, so we went with the eye flush, and it worked for me. Good luck!

entredoo profile image
entredoo in reply to magicman229

Thanks for that magicman. I'll suggest flushing at my next appointment.

Becky_MacularSociety profile image

Good Morning Entredoo,

If you haven't already, I would contact the eye clinic and describe what you're experiencing. They may be able to give you advice over the phone or may ask to see you. It's a good idea to let them know as if this becomes a reoccurrence, then they can help identify the issue and find a solution for you

All the best


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3furryfiends profile image

please go back to clinic-i have experienced similar problems.You could check that the iodine has been completely washed out. That you have not had any scratches on your cornea and that you are not developing an intolerance to the drug!!

entredoo profile image
entredoo in reply to 3furryfiends

I have a call in. It's less swollen and itchy to-day. Thanks for your reply

Hrosie profile image

Hello - just a suggestion - when I first started having eye injections I was given Chloramphenacol ointment (not sure about the spelling) for after treatment at home. I too had really bad red swollen eyelid & skin surrounding eye after first three injections. It was found I was allergic to Chloramphenacol. Medication was changed to different brand of anti biotic drops & no further problems. So it could be an allergic reaction to the medication. Hope this helps. Best wishes.

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