Hi folks my magula degeneration diagnosis has remained fairly stable for 12 years.however just lately my glasses prescription has jumped up and I find my lighting in my lounge seems dimmer? and I struggle to read. I have my eyes tested every year where they photo the magula, they never discuss this with me? in fact I have to always ask..any change in the macula?.
Im thinking I would like to have a consultation with a macular specialist who can view that area and talk me through where/what stage im at,what the next stages will be and give me a full one to one appointment to disguss magula degeneration.
Would this be a waste of time? seeing as ive swotted up as much as I can on this subject, I take the eye supplements AREDS, live a healthy lifestyle and there doesn't seem to be anything else I can do?
Incidentally..ive read that spirovital theraphy helps macula sufferers?..this is a m/c that feeds oxygen into your system and is quite an expensive machine to buy.
Any help/advice would be appreciated as im stressed I may go blind.
thanks in advance