Hi All,
I haven't posted on here for a while so for those who don' t know me I will give a quick recap.
I posted for help for my mum who was already profoundly deaf and then was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. I battled for over three months to get her the help she needed but in the end she just gave up and died four months after the diagnoses. Being deaf and almost blind just seemed to knock the stuffing out of her and she gave up the fight. She actually died of cancer but I think she would have battled on if she felt she had something to live for but not being able to read, watch her beloved t.v. or even cook for herself anymore was just too much.
Rewind 4 months previous and, as she was having trouble with her sight, she went back to Boots opticians to be checked over (she had only been there two months previous). They did the normal tests which then resulted in them saying that she needed to be referred to the local hospital. We waited patiently for her referral letter to arrive but after a month of waiting I phoned Boots myself only to be told that because she was deaf they could not get my mum to understand that they needed her permission to refer her to the hospital and because she hadn't given her permission no referral had been done. My mum had been mentioning macular degeneration over the past month and I put this to the manager who dismissed this and said they had picked up cataracts, which my mum was over the moon about as, having had two previous cataracts operation, she knew her sight would be restored.
We, the family, decided not to wait for Boots referral so she went private and that is when the macular degeneration was picked up. She was absolutely devastated as, unlike the Boots diagnoses, she knew things were only going to get worse. She had very limited sight in one eye and the other one was not much better.
I tried my best to get her as much help as I could but everything went down hill from there and, like I said, she died 4 months later.
I have now put in a formal complaint to Boots as I just cannot live with the thought that the next deaf person that walks into this branch would get the same treatment as my mum. I find it unbelievable that because she was deaf she did not receive her much needed referral and why, with all their top of the range equipment, was her macular degeneration not picked up, worse still she was misdiagnosed. This is not going to help my mum but I need to do this for people who are not only deaf but are suffering from MD as it is obvious that Boots do not have the equipment and/or their staff do not have the skills to recognise this illness.
Any help or pointers on my quest would be appreciated, especially if Boots (who are supposedly doing an internal investigation) come back with a lame excuse as to why this happened. Who can I take this complaint to if the answers I receive from Boots are not satisfactory.
Thanks for reading.
Moggie x