I began having problems with my eyes around 9 months ago. I noticed that there was some blur when I was trying to read on my computer screen and I had some sudden floaters. After multiple trips to my optometrist and ophthalmologist, my Optho did 2 dilated exams and stated that my vision issues were dry eye and were all surface issues. However, my vision never improved regardless of steroids and eye drops. My vision has become progressively worse in the last two weeks. I used an Amsler grid and I cannot see all 4 corners. I am scared that the optho is missing me having AMD, but shouldn’t he have seen the warning signs when doing the dilated exam? He never did an OCT. I have another appointment, but can’t get in for 2 weeks. I am 31 and scared that I am losing my vision. Any thoughts or ideas?
Scared of macular degeneration: I began... - Macular Society
Scared of macular degeneration
Don't bother with optometrists...see a NEW ophthalmologist ASAP !
It seems unlikely to that MD would be missed by an optometrist, however another opinion would allay your worries.
Really feel for you - all these eye conditions are scary as none of us know how badly our sight will be affected or what treatment will work if any. I’m afraid I don’t know enough to help you. Hope you get an appointment soon and can ask all the questions and concerns you have to the experts. Take care
Dear Chipper212121,
Please contact us at the Macular Society Advice and Information service as soon as possible. We are open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday on 0300 3030 111.
It may be easier to discuss your concerns over the phone.
Alternately, you can contact us via:
Kind regards,
The best thing you are doing for yourself is returning to your eye doctor for more follow up consultation. However, why are you not making an appointment with a retina specialist, who specializes in dealing with AMD.
In fact, because of the nature of this eye condition of AMD, one tends to get an appointment rather quickly. Time is of the essence in dealing with AMD.
I have been receiving treatment for my AMD for four years now. When I was instructed to use the Amsler grid, I was told to focus on the lines in the grid, to see if they were straight and not wavy, and also the clearness of the central portion. I have never heard of difficulty seeing the edges or corners of the grid. Perhaps your condition is something other than AMD. Only your doctor will be able to correctly diagnose.
Good luck to you and wishing you good health.
Definitely try and get an appt. with a Retina Specialist ASAP or if you can't go to the emergency. If you have an eye institute in your are call them also. When this happened to me my opthamologist referred me to the eye institue and I saw an RS and got a shot the next day. Do whatever you have to to get it looked at immediately. Sending hugs and prayers.
I agree with others that sated you need another opinion. I'm saddened you have to go through this without adequate information. I do think the Macular Society will help guide you to your next best steps.
So I went to another ophthalmologist today. He examined my eyes and also ran an OCT. he said there were no areas of thinning and that my retina’s both looked healthy. He also did not see any signs of Drusen. He said no MD and no Glaucoma. He also said it was surface issues and dry eye. I am not convinced. I am assuming that a good visual exam and a good OCT mean no MD, but what else could be causing my eye issues?