My optician found my right eye had high pressure and I was referred to a NHS community clinic for treatment .The advised replacement IOL in both eyes ( called a cataract operation) They did my Left eye first and I had 6/6 vision within 2 days , about 2 weeks later my vision started to deteriate ,I rang and they said * just give the healing time* 4 weeks after the Left eye they did the right eye.I told them at the time about the vision in my Left eye, being perfect at first and by this time most definitely * greyish and felt like I was looking through a raindrop at times.On my check up for both eyes 2 months later the consultant told me it was a refractive error as NHS did not pay for that then I would have to either wear spectacles/contact lenses or pay for it with * Optimax * He would see me again in 2 months as the pressure in my Left eye was a bit higher.The consultant sent me a copy of his report to my G P which he stated my Right eye had high pressure and he would do a test for early glaucoma in 2 months .In this report it showed that my Left eye had higher pressure.Two months check up and I again complained about my Left eye ,he examined both eyes but said he would leave the Left eye for another to months and then do the * testing *.I rang two weeks ago and demanded an appointment and was seen by him on Friday ,I told him I felt practically blinds in my Left eye and could not see to read if I closed my Right eye ,even with my spectacle .He examined it and sent me for a OCT and then shocked me by saying he was e-mailing my local hospital eye department using a * must start treatment within two weeks criteria * as I had Wet Macular with fluid.
They did the first IOL exchange on the 28th January 2018 and I have not only complained to the clinic and emailed the Directors on the 20th March with my concerns and my local Primary Care complaint. I rang the hospital on Friday after I returned home and they said to ring tomorrow as they didn`t have the e-mail. I am now worried sick about my eyesight and apart from what I have read know nothing about Wet Macular ,I have both my opticians report and all of the clinics and none of them say anything about any Macular conditions.I am going on holiday for a week on Thursday and now have no idea if I can go.