Blurry Vision 7 days after injection. - Macular Society

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Blurry Vision 7 days after injection.

Ikansea profile image
28 Replies

I have been receiving eye injections for wet AMD for almost a year. I did not respond to well to Avastin and was switched to Eylea which seemed to stabilize my sight for the last 4 months. However after this last injection (and after the 24 to 48 hours of recovery) there has been a dramatic change in vision. Instead of a small faded visual area off center (before injection) the entire visual field of that eye is blurry and cloudy. I was able to see another retinal specialist who could find nothing amiss after checking for retinal detachment, increased eye pressure, corneal opacity. In fact, she reported that the scan showed no fluid under the macula. I am completely perplexed, I feel certain that this is not natural projection, but is somehow related to the eye preparation or injection. Has anyone had a similar experience? Any hope for improvement? Thanks for "listening"!


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Ikansea profile image
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28 Replies

Hi, I have had vision get worse after inj before it got better. Its been a while since I experienced it but don't think it lasted beyond 48 hrs though. Sorry not to be able to give you more concrete info. what did the specialist think it was?

The macular society may be able to offer you some info too. Hope you get sorted.

tess4344 profile image

Sorry to hear about your blurry vision Ikansea, I had a similar event after receiving an eylea injection. I experienced blurry vision for 3 or 4 days immediately following an eylea injection along with extreme pain for the first 24 to 48 hours. Told my opthalmologist and he stopped using iodine prior to injection. He now uses chlorhexidine and I have had no other side effects.

I have had many anti-VEGF injections and I commonly experience a slight blurring of vision at around 2-3 weeks after a shot. Initially, I was concerned but it always clears. Perhaps your experience is more extreme than mine though.

Ikansea profile image

Thanks, guys, for your replies. That was my first post, though I had read other's post for some time and was impressed by how kind and supportive the poster's were.

The follow-up doctor I saw for the blurriness after 1 week could find nothing wrong and suggested that since the edema (American spelling) had improved that my glasses were the cause. I embraced that, but later remembered that I still had glasses from way before my diagnosis of wet AMD and the blurriness was still there with the old glasses. Now the blurriness has decreased over last few days (or am I getting use to it?) . AND the doctor is correct. There is LESS blurriness in the affected eye without the glasses, but I need the glasses to read and see clearly with my other eye. Catch 22. I will wait a bit before I go for a new prescription

Rennatk, I found what you said very interesting. I, too, would feel that my vision would decrease 7 -10 days after inj with Avastin. Then it would stabilize. I haven't noticed it with Eylea. Thanks for input.

in reply to Ikansea

Yes it's a balancing act with new specs. Change too soon and you might need to get more before too long which is a cost. However I think I waited too long previously and my advice is if you can afford it get them whenever they will noticeably improve your vision as it helps take the strain off the good eye. Best wishes going forwards.

Ikansea profile image

Good point, eyesright! I will follow your advice. Thanks

Ebarbie profile image

Hi. New here. Just curious, did it ever clear up? My husband is having this same issue and were sort of worried

Ikansea profile image
Ikansea in reply to Ebarbie

Hi Ebarbie, for your husbands sake, I wish I could say that there was improvement. But the "fuzziness" continues in the wet AMD eye. I say fuzzy because I can see, but things are not sharp. I can still drive familiar streets, but cannot read street signs. I am not aware of central vision loss. My entire vision in that eye is fuzzy. I did get new glasses, with a slight improvement. The funny thing is, I've gotten use to it and am less bothered by it. My right eye (dry Amd) compensates, I guess.

Best wishes for you and your husband. His might well clear, as I see in the post that others have

LeaRoss profile image


I am experiencing the same. Fuzzy vision after lucentis (2 months ago)

It cured my CNV but left me with worse vision...

Ikansea profile image
Ikansea in reply to LeaRoss

Since my entire vision is fuzzy, I'm thinking it's not the macula, but perhaps the lens or cornea. Docs say they don't see anything besides some cataract, which has not increased.

Also wondering if it could be related to the copious amounts of anesthetics drops (an eye WASH) that technician used twice, since there was a delay in injection. I noted Ironbrain made a reference to Tetracaine and the cornea.

Good luck to you in finding a cause and hopefully, a repair, LeaRoss!

ChasHG7 profile image

I got a shot about 2 weeks ago. I was having a gel floater and do have a branch vein occlusion in my left eye. After the shot , the gel floater disappeared, but now I have a 'snowy' vision in my left eye. I can see images OK, but not distinct and clear outlines. I have another appointment soon and will mention that. I think the Elyea was the problem. I started using these bacterial drops after the shot every day and I wonder if that had any effect upon the problem.

Ikansea profile image
Ikansea in reply to ChasHG7

Hi ChasHG7, I'll be interested to hear the reply on your next visit.

It's been 5 months since the injection that left me with fuzzy vision in the wet AMD eye. In that time I have had 2 more Eylea injections ( I was afraid the alternative of not injecting would be worse). So far there is no discernible change; not better, not worse. So, I'm thinking, the Eylea wasn't the cause.

I'm in the USA (not sure how I accessed a UK site; It happily showed up in my email). And the doctors here do not give drops to take home. We are given Betadine drops prior to injection, then a thorough wash before being sent home. And NEVER offered any anesthesia drops to take home.

Hope your snowy vision clears. All the best

LB1st profile image

I was glad to find this site because I thought I was alone in having this blurry vision after an Eylea injection. I've been having injections for over a year and thought I might avoid one at my last appointment because my "smudged spot" seemed better. My usual doctor was sick but his associate saw me and used a different technique to numb my eye - apparently tiny injections just below the eye surface. Then the injection. Everything became very blurry and my eye was bloodshot for 2 days. I am three weeks out and it's not better. I had a prescription for new lenses that I hadn't filled so I did that but it hasn't helped. This is so frustrating.

Willyboyinpr profile image
Willyboyinpr in reply to LB1st

Hey LB1st, I know what you mean , I have been in this process for about a year , had three shots of Avastin, and two weeks after my third shot I experienced blurry vision, went back last friday and they again injected my eye , I still have blurry vision and eye floaters, I am so frustrated . 😩😩..

LB1st profile image
LB1st in reply to Willyboyinpr

My post was from a couple of years ago. When my regular eye doc returned, he was surprised to see that I had a cataract that had gone from mild to needing surgery. I told him it was because of that injection when he was gone. He didn't respond because I'm sure he either didn't want to implicate a colleague or he didn't believe me. Regardless, I scheduled cataract surgery because the halos around street lights were driving me crazy during night driving. The surgery definitely helped.I'm sorry you're experiencing troubles. You might want to check with your eye doc regarding cataracts. By the way, I take Eyelea due to wet AMD but initially I needed it every four, and then six, weeks. You might want to ask your doc about frequency of treatment since it sounds like you go a long time between injections.

Best wishes to you!

Willyboyinpr profile image
Willyboyinpr in reply to LB1st

I go back on July 9th , I hope by then my vision is back to normal , but I am losing faith.. 😩😩

Willyboyinpr profile image
Willyboyinpr in reply to LB1st

After two years how is your vision now ?

irismary profile image

I have been treated for nearly 5 years for wet AMD. Firstly with Lucentis, but for the past 3 years with Eyelea which gave me much better results. My right eye is pretty bad as I already had scarring before diagnosed, but great improvement in my left eye with Eyelea. Then, after my last injection , for the first time ever, I had major discomfort and photophobia for 24 hours. My vision very blurred, so I went back to the hospital where they could find nothing amiss, but thought that I had Sterile inflammation for which I had steroid drops for a week. Now, after 60 days, my sight has improved, but still blurry for distance. My next injection tomorrow and I am a little worried. Research into sterile inflammation lead me to believe that the vision should have been back to normal after max 45-50 days. I have had cataracts done, so my prescription for glasses hasn´t changed for years - but now not sure what to do.

Ikansea profile image

I'm as mystified as you are. I have had 2 injections since the injection that left my wet AMD eyesight blurry. Actually my vision is more faded than blurry, as though I'm looking through a cloud. Anyway, further injections have not made my vision worse. Status quo for me. Bless you, it sounds as though both eyes need injection!. Was the white of your eye inflamed before using the steroid drops? Mine was not.

Good luck to you. I guess I would encourage you to continue on, as you still have sight after 5 years. My last 2 post injection periods were relatively painless.

Smuqeet profile image

Hi, my father recently diagnosed with wet amd has received his first shot of avastin on 14th oct... he is facing similar problem of blurry vision, before avastin only his central vision was compromised but he had clear peripheral vision but now his whole vision including peripheral vision is blurry...

Can you plz tell did your blurry vision get better?

Ikansea profile image
Ikansea in reply to Smuqeet

Hi, just now saw your message. My blurriness continued and progressed until I had cataract surgery. (recently)What caused the cataract to form so quickly after an injection remains unknown.

I had been receiving injections for about a year before this happened.

I hope your dad's vision has improved.

ayeaye profile image

hello. I am in the netherlands and have myopic wet macular degeneration in left eye for 15 months. have bad scarring but avastin helped for 11 months. then switched to eylea. After 3rd eylea injection one week ago vision decreased drastically. A huge green/ blue/ purple thick blurr covered central vision. Cant read or see faces anymore. I went back to hospital after 3 days but they did scans and tests and say nothing has changed. I also had to wait long time for last injection and therefore was given

more anasthetic drops than usual. Doctor says it cant be that. Now I am terrified for next injection, especially as good right eye has now started to degenerate. Just dont know what to do. Has your eye improved

Ikansea profile image
Ikansea in reply to ayeaye

I was also told that it could not be the drops, no matter how copious, as they drain out immediately. I question that. I was given an eye "wash" x2. But our symptoms are different, as my entire visual field was blurry. Not just central vision.I finally had cataract surgery which removed the blurriness. I gave up trying to wait for my wet macular degeneration to stabilize before surgery.

Something seems wrong for a cataract to progress overnight to that extent following an injection. But I have no answers for you. In my case it was a cataract causing the problem. I still have central vision, though wavy. I credit eyelea as I have been receiving injections for 3 years.

The best to you. I think we have all been where you are: afraid to continue and afraid to stop.

ayeaye profile image
ayeaye in reply to Ikansea

thanks for your answer, its so true. scared to go on and scared to stop. But did you get cataract as a direct result of the injection,? or did you already have it ? Why didnt the doctor notice it when you first went back for a check and they told you they couldnt find anything. I didnt know it was possible to have cataract surgery if you have macular degeneration. I am very glad to hear that the blurriness is gone.

Ikansea profile image
Ikansea in reply to ayeaye

Yes, I had "mild" cataracts before I started injections.

Nadeemriaz profile image

Yeah its happening to me too. I had my Eylea injected 2 days ago but rather than seeing clearly I'm seeing great deal of eye floaters and blurriness in my visual field!My doctor's assistant says that its normal plus I googled it too and it suggests to be patient and wait

Ikansea profile image
Ikansea in reply to Nadeemriaz

Good luck to you. I'm sure it will improve. My floaters have never stayed around for long.

Want2see profile image

I’m having a similar issue. I have had injections for several years. I don’t recall first drug but switched to newer longer lasting drug last year. That didn’t seem to work well keeping swelling down. Now I’m on eylea. For a couple of months seemed to work well. A day after injection vision would be clear and sharp. A few months later vision in that eye is blurry all the time. It is scary having it go bad so quickly even though the swelling is under control and lens looks ok.

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