I am looking for more advice from you lovely people regarding my battle with Boots opticians over the poor treatment my mum received at their hands. Having dealt with all my mums medical needs I kept a lot of copies and over the weekend found a copy of her CV1 and a letter that her consultant wrote to her GP and these two things have prompted me to ask the following question.
Is there a length of time MD takes to get to the stage my mum was at or can in happen over a few months? The consultants letter to her GP states that her right eye measured 6/18 and "count fingers" in her left. He starts the letter by saying she has very poor eyesight, then goes on to say she had normal pressures in both eyes and finishes with "this condition will probably not deteriorate significantly from now".
The reason I ask this question is because I am only complaining about her last appt with Boots (approx a month before she was seen by her consultant) so should I also be questioning the appt before that one (approx two months before she saw her consultant) and the one before that, which would have been a year earlier. I have since found out that at my mum's last appt she was seen by a locum so am now asking myself if my mum was failed by not one but by two or more Boots opticians.
It is my intention to scan Boots a copy of both of these documents as I feel they cannot conduct a thorough investigation without this information - any thoughts on this please.
Thanks for reading.
Moggie x