Hi all,
Firstly I would like to thank all who responded to my last post regarding my 85 year old deaf mum who has now been been diagnosed with MD.
Wanted to give you all an quick update on the continuing battle to get her seen by someone in the NHS (and at this stage of the fight I would be happy with the hospital cleaner, at least it would be someone!!!!!!!). It turns out that her GP has messed up yet again and not given the low vision clinic enough information, so more phone calls and time spent trying to get her GP's practise manager and the consultants secretary on the same page and communicating directly with each other - please can someone tell me why getting her an appt has turned into some sort of farce and is like trying to wade through treacle to get anyone to see sense let alone book her an appt. The levels of incompetence I have witness is unbelievable as no one in the NHS seems to know what other departments in the NHS needs or requires to actually help my mum.
I wrote an email to my brother yesterday saying I can now understand why elderly people, who have no relatives to fight for them, are often left to fend for themselves with no help at all because if I cant get anywhere with 8 weeks of phoning, emailing and pestering then what chance would they have.
So for my update - not much to update really except to say my blood pressure has reached boiling point on occasions this week, my mum isn't helping matters by refusing to slow down and act like someone who is deaf as well as almost blind and in the process hurting herself, unbelievably she now wants me to take her shopping tomorrow to buy a deep fat fryer - yes I did type that right, a deep fat fryer. She can hardly see her hands let alone cut up chips and then fry them, looks like I will have another fight on my hands tomorrow when I tell her no. If I dont laugh I might just burst into tears.lol.
On a positive note, the sensory team are visiting her tomorrow (am hoping that they can talk her out of the deep fat fryer idea!!!!) and Support 4 sight are coming next week to show her some aids she can purchase. Seems to me that charitable organisations are doing a lot of what the NHS should be doing and are better at understanding the need for swift action.
Will update again if and when my mum finally gets an NHS appt.
Thanks for reading my rant.lol.
Moggie x