Hi All,
I am in the second year of Eyelea injections for branch vein retinal occlusion and have been moved to 10 week intervals- very encouraging!1 The first 10 weeks was fine, on the second 10 week assessment, the scan looked clear of oedema but on eye exam the optometrist mentioned there was some leakage so she didn't want me to go longer than 10 weeks, I am now at week 8 of the third 10 week gap and have been concerned about my vision for some days. The Amsler grid has slightly wavy lines but do get this sometimes- the change is more in vision- the A in Amsler, for example is partly missing when I look at the chart and whereas I could see car number plates from the window after my first injection I now can't. I can still read a little with the bad eye- much better than when I had the occlusion at the beginning but not as well as in recent weeks.
As I was concerned, I took myself off to eye casualty ( as per instructions in letter given after injections) as I thought maybe oedema had returned and my injection needed to be brought forward. I could only read the top three letters of the eye chart- have been doing much better than this previously.
This is where it gets strange!!
I had a scan and exam by a doctor who looked quite young, She told me that she thought I must have had another big vein occlusion and that injections wouldn't help and the damage would be permanent. She was pointing out things on the scans but they didn't make much sense,
She said she would get her consultant to come and see me.
The consultant examined my eye and looked at the scans, She relied on the younger doctor to align the scans ( she was comparing , on the computer, with the scan from my last injection appt) but said there was no sign of oedema. I asked about what the first doctor had said and the consultant said there was no sign of a further occlusion and no bleeding.
She could see that the change to only reading 3 letters was a large change and said she will ask for a retinal clinic appt before I have my next injection. I have no idea when the appt will be and no idea why my sight has deteriorated if there is no oedema-
I'd be grateful if anyone else has had this experience as it's rather unsettling!!
Thank you in advance