Does anyone have migraine as flare symptom? - LUPUS UK


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Does anyone have migraine as flare symptom?

ribitribi profile image
10 Replies
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ribitribi profile image
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10 Replies
Maya23 profile image

Yes sometimes I get a real migraine with the flashing zig-zags which totally floors me, and more commonly I get the light-sensitive headaches (with stiff neck, glands up, sore throat) which are just part of my normal flare pattern.

Maya23 profile image
Maya23 in reply to Maya23

I just got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia - and migraine-like headaches are a regular feature - with a stiff neck too.

ribitribi profile image

Oh! Sorry to hear but happy I am not alone. My last flare was like that. The blood tests were good, no pain in the joints.. nothing at all just many many migraines! I normally have migraines but like once in a month just before or after period. This time was a four day non-stop migraine, a break for 5-7 days and then again. I could not stand of smells, light and sound and I had nausea and dizziness. Once more my doctor did not consider this as a symptom he just said I was stressed... Anyway I am fine at the moment :)

Tigerlily4 profile image

Yes and it's a well-recognised symptom of SLE, either regular single attacks or clusters that can go on for days at a time. Makes me very cross indeed when GPs can't be bothered to properly research the disease as there's plenty of information about it on the web and really no excuse for their ignorance!

Barnclown profile image

Yes: for many years from childhood.

the only thing I could do was lie down in dark room and tough the migraine and flare out. Often both came on before or during periods. Then in my 20s the NHS gp Rx mefenamic acid 500mg for my volcanic period pain: discovered that if I took this the minute I suspected a migraine coming on, I could stop a migraine in its tracks, and sometimes the flare itself seemed less bad. My lifelong sle is, i think, mostly a relatively mild relapsing & remitting version, but even that has been v hard to live with, and the migraines have been a nightmare. Anyway, for me Mefanamic was Miraculous. My periods ended over 10 yrs ago, but I still use mefenamic for migraines, and also for UTI pain (my UTIs are also volcanic). I'm on plaquenil 400mg daily.

You only ask if anyone gets migraines with flares. So maybe you have an Rx that helps with your flare migraines. But if not, perhaps your dr will consider you trying mefenamic.

Take care

ribitribi profile image
ribitribi in reply to Barnclown

According to my doctor the only painkillers I can get are Paracetamol and Mefenamic Acid, but none of them seem to work... :s Sometimes they work in 1000mg of paracetamol and an hour later the Mefenamic Acid. When I was a student in the UK my GP gave me Codipar which I can't get here in Greece. I had a box with many pills but they finished. It worked better... I have SLE for 16 years now and I have to admit that is a mild one... More trouble is my unstable menstrual and the migraines than my wolf... although all these are connected! But I seem to have extended migraines after my Progesterone treatment.. I have visited many gynecologists but none of them made it with my period. Hundreds of blood tests, endocrinologists, gynecologists and still..

Adamine profile image

YES... I do, have had a dreadful head for 2 days now.

Thank God for this site, or I'd think I was bonkers and alone. Xx

ribitribi profile image
ribitribi in reply to Adamine

*high five* hahahhaha! xxx

kewsapril profile image

Hi everyone, I've suffered with migraines for at least 20 years. I'm now on preventative medication (Topamax), but I still do get them when I'm tired or stressed. So I find if I take two paracetamol and maxalt (rizatriptan) - you may need to get it from your GP, it works really quickly, but a Godsend...

You are not alone, I feel for you all xxx.

crissie45 profile image

Yes have been getting them lately I thought it might be the dry humid weather here in australia but I think its my Lupus flaring and stress.

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