Hi I’ve had lupus for 15 yrs and diagnosed for 8.
I’ve had flares lasting months (or years before Drs took me seriously) were loads of my hair has fallen out, started to grow back and then fallen out again.
Last summer I started on prednisolone & mycophenolate which I’m tolerating well and generally feeling much better than in years.
In September I experienced quite a stressful event and after that my hair has been falling out massively, hair everywhere, it’s now very thin which I’m managing with headbands and winter has been great for wearing hats!
In December I started seeing new consultant who is great and found that I was very low on ferritin - gone from 97 to 8 over 12 months.
I’m taking iron tablets and some hair has started regrowing, some is still falling out.
just wondering does it ever stop?