Hi everyone (ladies and men out there) ,Hope your are not too busy and rush preparing for Christmas holidays ✨.
So I have a few questions a bit of run down about yesterday.
Saw eye Consultant yesterday not so good news . Though there showed no toxicity in my eyes there was more thinned lining(which felt more macular built up )of my Left eye which they felt I needed to come off Hydroxychoroquine which they think could be something could be avoided. I know I have used Hydroxychoroquine for over 13years now. Only now seeing some advanced deterioration of the lining of the eye. I have genetic macular on both eyes from my mum non dormant gene. My mum carries both gene. There was some thinning before they were stable now it was advanced I am wondering whether it is actually the current drug that I am on that cause it and not Hydroxychoroquine as I just started on Alendronic Acid on my 2nd month . Looking at reports and studies it does shows that Alendronic does effect the eyes to the extent to Uveitis, inflammation and so on. If someone who has already had a eye condition to what extent would this damage be.
I know I did not think of this until I got home and did some further research this early part of the morning as it was troubling me. So until I actually looked it up.
Just wondering how many of you are on Alendronic Acid if so do you have constant pain in your eye and constant grit in your eye. No.1
The other thing is , do you get upset tummy gripey like full of acid tummy when taking it about half hour of after taking it. No.2.
Also if any of you are on alternatives to Hydroxychoroquine like Mepacrine if so are you still on Hydroxychoroquine or are you on a combination of Mepa and another drug?
These are what I need to find out if anyone has any issues or answers would be most grateful.
Thank you kind ladies and men