is this a blood blister or something serious please help i’m 19 and i’m scared i got cancer
help can someone explain what this is: is this a... - LUPUS UK
help can someone explain what this is

hi Jerry gus, I get one of these on occasion. Not sure if it’s through brushing teeth/gum a bit too hard. I did ask the GP who said “it’s nothing to worry about, you’ve caught your gum”. I wasn’t given anything for it. Have been to the dentist since, he always checks for anything abnormal and never said anything, so I’ve not worried when one appears, I just watch to make sure it doesn’t get bigger.
There’s nothing wrong in checking with doctor or dentist if you’re worried and suggest that’s what to do, they will be able to exam it and tell you exactly what yours is.
Hi, I used to get these all the time until my coeliacs was under control? What conditions have you got. I would definitely not panic, blood blisters are quite common. But obvs if it got bigger then go to dr’s.
Morning. I get blood blisters frequently. They just appear and usually go within 24 hrs or less. I tend to get more when my disease is slightly more active or I am run down, My rheumatology consultant thought that they were most likely to be a symptom of another autoimmune disease but this could only be confirmed through biopsy. As the blisters don't hang around this is unlikely to happen. I can get several blisters in a week or none for several weeks. Do your blisters hang around?
As always, it's advised to get a professional opinion but I really wouldn't be worried about cancer. Hope that helps a little.
I get these all the time I get them when my lupas is aggravated I’ve had them all my life
It’s something as I’ve got older I realised it’s to do with lupus
Try not to worrie ask your doctors also to put your mind at rest .
I think you should just get it checked out by a dentist/doctor then you will stop worrying.
Hi, this was actually the first visible sign that I had in body and eventually led to my lupus diagnosis. The fist time I had it, it disappeared in a couple of weeks without any medical action. When I had my massive flare, these blisters got huge covering almost my mouth entirely. In my case both times that I had it, coincided with some abnormality in my haemoglobin levels, although when the blisters were as small as yours the doctors were not so concerned.
Indeed you should discuss it with your doctor, but do not panic.