Is it possible to request for a particular brand ... - LUPUS UK


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Is it possible to request for a particular brand of medication

LittleAngle profile image
21 Replies

Hello everyone. I am new to the group, and i need help on how to go about this medication issue. I have been trying to request for a particular brand of mycophenolate, I have spoken to the pharmacy, to the rheumatology nurse, my rheumatologist and my GP, but they haven't been helpful.

I don't know how to go about it, as I am new to the UK.

I get my medications(Mycophenolate and Hydroxycloroquine) from my rheumatology team. And I get other medications from my GP.

Please I need help on what to do. Thanks.

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LittleAngle profile image
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21 Replies
Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady long have you been on the meds? Usually once stable your gp takes over prescribing sometimes with a shared care agreement . I can't take the Accord brand of mmf it upsets my stomach so asked the chemist for Teva which ive had before without issue. I also asked my gp for Teva and got my knuckles wrapped off the receptionist for requesting a brand name. However when I requested my last script Teva is documented. Sometimes it doesn't go down well if you are requesting the more expensive brand which in the case of mmf is cellcept. X

LittleAngle profile image
LittleAngle in reply to Spanielmadlady

Thanks for your reply. I have been on mmf since January 2021. I can't take the Teva brand, it gives me terrible headache and i noticed anytime i take it, my egfr reduces. But I do very well with the Ascend brand.

That means I will have to wait till my gp takes over prescribing? And that might take long! X

Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to LittleAngle

I've had my shared care agreement for about 3 years and ive been on mmf for 3 1/2.all I can suggest is you tell them why you need a particular brand and maybe even ask about a shared care agreement. Stand your ground and be persistent.everytime they sent Accord I just had to return it and say I can't take that brand. I'm sure if you refuse your script saying you can't take that brand of mmf every month they will soon sort it.good luck.x

LittleAngle profile image
LittleAngle in reply to Spanielmadlady

Thank you so much. x

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to LittleAngle

in fact you will probably have to ask your consultant…with a shared care agreement the consultant prescribes the drug….tells your GP what he wants you to have & your GP just signs the prescription on behalf of the consultant…he doesn’t actually prescribe the drug,

Sometimes there maybe some flexibility in the dosage, but if you want a particular brand you will need the consultant to prescribe it …try calling your consultant’s secretary or the secretary in the rheumy department & explain about your headaches & you will usually get it sorted.

LittleAngle profile image
LittleAngle in reply to AgedCrone

Hi AgedCrone, thanks for your reply. I spoke with my consultant he said he doesn't have an idea about given a particular brand, that I should contact the pharmacy. I will have to ask for a shared care agreement.

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to LittleAngle

Maybe writing to your consultant explaining the way you have explained here is the answer?

The patient can’t decide on a Shared Care Agreement …the consultant decides to ask the GP to agree to the arrangement when he thinks you are stable on the drugs he is prescribing….if you write explaing why you need a specific brand that shouldmake things clearer.

LittleAngle profile image
LittleAngle in reply to AgedCrone

Ok I will do just that...thank you so much.

Louby1954 profile image

Hello spanialmadladyIf you don't ask you will not know. I go private for 2nd opinion. This lady delivers seminars in London & specialist in UDCTD she is also over all rheumatologists @ my local university teaching hospital. She read all my medical records & came up with lots more. It is my liver giving me all the problems. Enzymes very high, spoke again with my gp he is great. More bloods again Wednesday & catch up & update again Thursday . I finally feel I am getting much closer to being given the right medication for me 🙏 hope this is helpful to you. Take extra special care of you 💞😘xx🫂


Spanielmadlady profile image
Spanielmadlady in reply to Louby1954

Thank you. Be kind to yourself 🤗 x

TSmith88 profile image


I am on the same medication as you and my consultant always asks me which brand I want, so I am suprised to hear that you are having issues with requesting the brand unless they do not have the brands that you are asking for.

LittleAngle profile image
LittleAngle in reply to TSmith88

Thanks for your reply. I spoke to my consultant and he said he doesn't know anything about that, that I should speak with the pharmacy. I called the pharmacy and they said they couldn't give me a particular brand cos they are been supplied two brands, so they don't know which brand they will have when next i order my meds. I am surprised my consultant has no idea on what I should do! Spoke with my gp aswell, the gp said they ain't the once prescribing the meds, there's nothing they can do. I think I will have to request a shared care agreement.

WinterSwimmer profile image

My understanding is that with MMF, the one you are initially prescribed is the one you should have, because they work differently in the body. However, I could be wrong about this.

dg70 profile image

Yes Yes Yes you can. I have requested two medications that I get on repeat prescription with my GP to be a certain brand. They look it up on their system and if they can prescribe that brand then they will put it on your repeat prescription and it will just reoccur every time. I have requested Zentiva for Hydroxychloroquine and another brand for my pilocarpine and not had an issue once you let them know you have issues with a certain brand. The pharmacist once ordered the wrong pilocarpine but changed it for me and I had the right one the next day as they saw it was on my prescription so it was their fault. If its on your repeat prescription, they won't quibble. I go to Boots now as I was using an online pharmacy delivered to the door but they kept saying they couldn't get certain medications so I was constantly left high and dry and having to go down town to get it anyway.

JCZW profile image

Morning LittleAngleYes you can request a particular brand that is better for you.

Tnmagnet profile image

Yes you can ask. So with my hydroxychloroquine i just asked the dispensing pharmacist for the particular brand as others dont sit well with me. Providing they the drug in the NHS supply chain shouldn't be an issues. Some brands may not be due to cost

baba profile image

Mycophenolate is a drug that should NOT be switched and changed to different brands. Sorry I can't find the link that explains this at present but I will keep looking.

Krazykat26 profile image

If your pharmacist is uncooperative you can always check other pharmacies in your local area to see if they can get it for u. Then it's a case of just changing pharmacies which a good pharmacist will do for you. Ask around.

BonnyB profile image

Do you have a nurse help line you can call?

I do, it's just leaving a voicemail. They get back within a couple of days.

I find them to be more understanding of medication tolerance x

LittleAngle profile image
LittleAngle in reply to BonnyB

Thanks for your reply. Yes I have a nurse help line. I spoke to them and I was asked to speak with my doctor. I got a letter yesterday from my rheumatologist sent to my gp, asking him to take over the prescription and monitoring of my mycophenolate. I think I will be able to request for a particular brand from the GP.

Thanks to everyone for your reply. xx

BonnyB profile image
BonnyB in reply to LittleAngle

Hope you get sorted . Xx

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