I recently started taking hydroxychloroquine about a month ago due to my joint pain. I am visually impaired and my rheumatologist educated me on the potential risk of retinal toxicity. In his opinion, the benefits out weigh the risks and since my vision is already poor, he figured that any vision loss may not make a huge difference for me…
however, I recently saw my Neuro ophthalmologist to get my eyes checked and he had a different opinion. He felt that I should stop taking hydroxychloroquine due to the risk of retinal toxicity. He was concerned that I won’t be able to notice any changes in my vision due to retinal toxicity, and therefore potential physical damage to my eyes Will be irreversible. I asked him if getting my eyes checked yearly could be an alternative to me self checking any progression, but he said that by the time they see this damage it’s too late. he was also concerned that I might be at a higher risk of retinal toxicity to begin with due to my visual impairment
my Neuro ophthalmologist wrote a letter to my rheumatologist explaining his concerns and I see my rheumatologist again in November. I’m not sure what my rheumatologist will say, but I personally want to see if this medication will improve my joint pain before I make a decision to stop it or not. In my opinion, if it makes a significant positive difference, then I am more willing to accept any risks. I’m not sure if anyone else has a visual impairment here, but I figured I would throw this out there .anyway
thanks for reading and take care