Apologies for not responding/being quiet lately.. - LUPUS UK


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Apologies for not responding/being quiet lately..

LottieLou96 profile image
22 Replies

It may be an infection,maybe just the change of weather but I do not feel great. So sorry for the lack of replies lately.

I do keep umming and ahhing whether to go to A and E. My GP is still not being of use, and when I rang about not sleeping with pain,fatigue, palpitations, itching, aching, shortness of breath and chest pain, as usual she said so you have anxiety then. And told me to go see a counsellor.

so at my wit's end a little

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LottieLou96 profile image
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22 Replies

Is it possible to see a different doctor? Could you call the NHS helpline to request a video call or telephone call as it’s likely to be another doctor. Perhaps there’s a walk-in centre you could visit where there will a variety of health practitioners? I know they won’t be the specialist you require but they will be duty bound to take some action in your behalf.

LottieLou96 profile image
LottieLou96 in reply to

Hey Stills,💖No walk ins up in bonnie Scotland, I have spoken to a number at my GP, different GPs, but other than the occasional apology they aren't helping much and I am for me really on and off unwell. They would possibly listen in A and E but it's a hard decision for that, not only do I know them there, but I do feel it may be the only way. X

Lulamay7 profile image

Or, you could go see a counsellor, they are usually very nice people and get all the crap treatment you've been receiving off your chest in a nice big rant! They might even believe you and do something about it. At the very least they should be able to teach you some calming techniques for when you have to deal with stupid medical people!

LottieLou96 profile image
LottieLou96 in reply to Lulamay7

I have a counsellor already, I have taken the steps that they wouldn't, and sort help with the age ol' rant, but I am surely lacking in the medical health department and truly wonder whether to quit my job tbh.

MoominMomma profile image

I personally would go to A&E or out of hours just to get checked out as you are having shortness of breath & chest pains along with other symptoms. It’s worth seeing a different dr as they will hopefully be able to help & give you peace of mind as to why this is happening. Also, ask for a referral for counselling as, speaking from experience, it really does help to get things off your chest & can give you coping strategies. It could take a short while to get an actual counselling appointment so hopefully you get help from a dr soon. Good luck 😊

dg70 profile image

Ahh the oft repeated you're stressed or anxious (means you're making it up, it's all in your head). I have had this before Lupus/Sjogrens diagnosis for years and they were wrong as usual, it was not just in my mind but try and convince them of that. Just before my brain hemorrhage I went to the GP complaining of blinding migraines that I had never had before. Oh nothing to worry about said the GP. Three weeks later, bang aneurysm bursts! The moral: you know if you feel unusually ill, never give up pushing for answers. Shame but unless you manifest a physical symptom they can see, or collapse, it's hard to get any doctor to do anything. Hope you get some answers soon.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to dg70

Oh my god, that is shocking! Sounds terrifying to go through that having been sent away with your concerns totally minimised. I hope that GP did some serious self reflection after what happened to you x

dg70 profile image
dg70 in reply to Winter_night

Just the usual we couldn't have known etc...the fact is they didn't even refer me to any specialist. Different GPS gave up at different practices as I've moved towns a few times. They just said I had to live with exhaustion. It's hard though being referred to the right specialist at the right time. I always say though never give up trying if you know something isn't right.

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to dg70

Totally agree. I’ve developed a thick skin of late and I don’t mind questioning and chasing doctors now. I had some good advice on this forum about being polite but firm! We can’t afford to not be persistent x

LottieLou96 profile image
LottieLou96 in reply to Winter_night

You're right of course, but I'm feeling quite weak and exhausted to keep up the fight. I am trying to be persistent, though I'm not as tough as I use to be x

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to LottieLou96

I totally understand, it takes a toll in itself having to push and push. Really hoping things get better for you. I’ve not used NHS PALS myself but a friend of mine did recently, for issues relating to her mother’s care and she was very positive about how they helped. Maybe worth checking out?

dg70 profile image
dg70 in reply to Winter_night

👍 the more we educate doctors in what to look out for the more we make it easier for the next generation of sufferers to be picked up early. Just we have to suffer in the interim for that to happen. I've been watching House boxset again. Just shows me again how doctors haven't a clue sometimes if the symptoms are out of the known parameters even modern medicine relays on guess work to a degree. It's also quite disturbingly funny too, hands up who wants him as their doctor. 😱😂

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to dg70

I’ve heard it’s funny! When I shared with a friend I was having tests for things like arthritis and lupus she said ‘Oh, House! It’s always lupus’ which left me bemused and puzzled… I will give an episode a go!

dg70 profile image
dg70 in reply to Winter_night

Yes they do look for lupus a lot as a diagnosis. Fantastic series. Will have you gripped. Any one of us could be used as a case study for an episode from what I read on here😀

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to dg70

I’m sold! 😎

Winter_night profile image

I really empathise and I feel your frustration. Having experienced similar dismissals initially myself, I think the advice above is spot on - it can’t hurt to seek a second opinion, and it’s your right to be heard. When I first experienced symptoms… pain, numbness and tingling, exhaustion… I was gaslighted and told I was anxious and stressed… and that I was impatient in my covid recovery. I changed GP surgery in the end and although getting to where I am now has been a slow process, my care has at least felt fairly consistent and my GP believes me even if she doesn’t have a great understanding of CTD. I have had anxiety in the distant past and that first GP just assumed I was a hypochondriac and/or neurotic I think 🙄 I did go to A&E when I lost sensation in my leg briefly and I was scolded for being there and then told I probably needed an MRI to rule out MS but to speak to my GP about that…. It was like, Jesus take the wheel, I’m leaving here with more questions and worries, terrified and having been spoken to like a child.

I think the advice about counselling is solid too, I’ve been seeing a therapist for almost a year now and it’s really helped me understand why I feel guilt and shame about being ill without a ‘proper’ diagnosis or an illness that people can see and understand (yet). It has been worth every penny and I’m not ready to give it up any time soon. It’s also help me develop a strategy for shutting down anyone who mentions anxiety, stress or my favourite one… ‘psychosomatic’. Again, eye roll 🙄

I hope you get to talk to someone decent soon who will listen and really hear you and help you to move forward. Don’t ever feel like you have to settle for that kind of dismissive attitude. Wishing you all the best X

LottieLou96 profile image
LottieLou96 in reply to Winter_night

Hey W.Night💕

I've been diagnosed technically eleven or so years with lupus, and a host of other things, but I am thinking maybe A and E, I have tried to cope with the pain, and feeling more 'off' than usual. But I won't make it through next week like this. Solid diagnoses and still they love to say anxiety. ... I have a counsellor at the moment but physically I'm feeling really under rn x

Winter_night profile image
Winter_night in reply to LottieLou96

I hope you’ll get a good outcome from A&E, and compassion too as it sounds really tough what you’re having to cope with at the moment on top of the acknowledged symptoms x

LottieLou96 profile image
LottieLou96 in reply to Winter_night


I held off till morn, last ditch attempt with the GPs, but they told me I need anti anxiety meds and they'll give me an appt in October. So know I have to sheepishly attend A and E.

StriatedCaracara profile image

Would GP surgery do blood test & urine test?

LottieLou96 profile image
LottieLou96 in reply to StriatedCaracara

I am at the point where it doesn't matter what I say tbh. It's constant gaslighting.

My bloods, wbcs and neuts are 2-3x times my usual neutropenic self. So they APPEAR normal

StriatedCaracara profile image
StriatedCaracara in reply to LottieLou96

Might be worth booking meeting with practice manager. I did this a few years ago after being in tears at the surgery things were so bad. It worked out okay. I was heard in the end. Now feel better when I'm there.

Re Symptoms -

Something seems to be affecting multi-system..

Acid / base up the shot, electrolytes, kidneys, different meds..

..what is your guess Lottie?

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