I would like to say I try to be an optimist but it has been hard lately.....
Lately I'm just sooo cold, worn, in pain, arthralgias, fatigue, raynaud's, with blurred vision, muscle weakness etc. I can't control my temperature, my lupus symptoms at all, my seizures make me out of sorts.
You fellow lupies have been great, and I do appreciate your support. But today, my epilepsy nurse was telling me that I must just be anxious and getting ahead of myself after two 'major' diagnoses. I said but I haven't felt this bad for years, I am stone cold, no amount of heat can fix, I'm blue, I am in literal agony and it's exacerbated by my lamotrigine. Also had to up my dose of hcq again and that sets off my seizures again. A big part of me wants to scrap it all. And just go on like how I was coping before. Not ideal, I know but seems better than the combo of meds I'm on atm that is like waging war on each other who both rheumi and neuro refuse to amend or reconsider others.
I am no stranger to illness, but each time I put in the effort with med professionals it backfires and ends up making me appear 'anxious' or 'hysterical'. I have been in and out of hospital since I was child for lupus, and the related complications, gangrene, sepsis, legionnaires, TB, etc from having a bad immune system.
I am too tired to even fight my cause rn with managing work the best I can, and trying to just stay warm enough each day. I had 'baseline bloods' yesterday after a 7 week wait, and I was like, seriously, all this time and your doing the basics. Hopefully they'll give some indication that things aren't right, but I don't hold on to hope.
I just have to stumble on by, until I get brought in my ambulance, when they find me passed out on some embankment and may actually deem me 'acutely unwell'
Stay safe lupies, sorry for the vent.