Irritable leg syndrome : I’ll dive straight in... - LUPUS UK


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Irritable leg syndrome

Willow1414 profile image
39 Replies

I’ll dive straight in .,,

Last night was the pits for me with the above ..

I’ve been advised by neurologist to take extra pregabalin ? With my balance issues I find the drug effects of Pregabalin too much , I don’t want to live in a drugged up state of affairs .. My Rhumatologist has written a couple of times to my practice doctor on prescribing meds for the above . But never contacted me ?

my question is ..

Has anybody found relief from any medication prescribed for irritable leg syndrome . How have the meds reacted with other meds ??

Do you feel better in general with how the meds work .?

How do they work ?

I’ve had irritable legs since been a teenager , so it’s been a long journey , it seems to travel to different parts of my lower legs , at the moment i suffer at the front of my ankles going up the front lower part of my legs .

I’ve still not been stated on biologics , due to still waiting for a heart monitor been fitted 20th August .

This treatment has been put down has urgent several months ago ????


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Willow1414 profile image
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39 Replies
maggielee profile image

hi Willow, Sounds awful and urgency is questionable right now, I been told one test/scan I need I am 1 in 2,000, so glad they told me....

No personal experience, but thought I send the link to the restless leg HU site which may have some answers:


Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to maggielee

Thank you maggielee , I will have a read


Horsewhisper profile image

Hi Willow, I find magnesium spray really helps with RLS, particularly at night. It can be a bit oily to apply, but it’s worth it. I hope you get some relief soon. 😘

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Horsewhisper

Dear Horsewhisper

Thank you for your reply

Would I find this at Holland and Barrette ?


Horsewhisper profile image
Horsewhisper in reply to Willow1414

Hi Willow, yes H&B do it along with Amazon. I hope you find something that suits xxx

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Horsewhisper

Hi Horsewhisper

Next time I’m out I will purchase some

Thank you


flo_IarFachYrHaf profile image
flo_IarFachYrHaf in reply to Horsewhisper

my Ma uses the Better You sleep spray - though recent formulation change makes her sneeze and she now needs to top up with their ordinary magnesium spray. It can tingle your skin so I've not used it much. I might try again tho!

hope something works for you.

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to flo_IarFachYrHaf

Hi Flo

Hope it works for you , I’m going to but the magnesium spray .


flo_IarFachYrHaf profile image
flo_IarFachYrHaf in reply to Willow1414

wish I'd tried it last night! sometimes epsom salts bath helps, but not in this weather

Choccy8 profile image

Hi Willow. I've found magnesium supplements help, also ibuprofen gel rubbed in to the affected area seems to numb them into submission!

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Choccy8

Thank you Choccy8

I have some ibuprofen gel .

I must remember to take magnesium supplements more often


Choccy8 profile image
Choccy8 in reply to Willow1414

Hope it helps! 👍x

daisyd profile image

I have antiphospholipid syndrome and also have balance problems and restless legs

I have hydroxychloroquine for balance must be made by Zentiva, placqunil sister company, others have terrible side effects

Ask your Doctor to check your iron levels different test to the one for anaemia,

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to daisyd

Hi daisyd

Thank you for replying , my iron has been checked , all in normal range ?

I already take Hyro .


MEGS53 profile image
MEGS53 in reply to Willow1414

Hi WillowHave you had your B12 levels checked, too?

RLS is a horrible condition - I suffer too - and much underrated. I don't think the warm nights help either. My RLS was much worse during pregnancy and so I wonder if hormones play a role?

The oily magnesium spray didn't work for me, nor does my hefty daily dose of Gabapentin. Getting out of bed (😬) walking around for a while and cooling off, is the only thing that helps me.

You have my sympathy, I just wish I could suggest something more useful.

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to MEGS53

Dear MegS53

So sorry , nothing much seems to help your RLS ..

Yes had B12 checked , all ok .

I think it may well be part of a circulatory problem too , it’s the mist annoying thing , when all you want to do is sleep or think nice thoughts or plans when trying to sleep . But all you can do is kick and jerk ..


MEGS53 profile image
MEGS53 in reply to Willow1414

It is awful.

Unless you’ve had it you just can’t understand how awful it can be.


Frosty1960 profile image

Hi willow, I have had that problem for years until i was prescribed gabapentin at first was one or two 300mg capsules as required before bed as always found was worse time or long journeys in car. I am now on two 300mg capsules three times a day as part of pain management.I am on lot of medication for several conditions I don't find any problems and hardly ever bothered with legs now.

Willow1414 profile image

Hi Frosty1960

Thank you for replying .

I think pregabalin is the same has gabapentin ??


Jumper99 profile image

I stopped having restless legs when I stopped taking antidepressants, slowly got less and less. But probably not any help to you.People on another lupus support site are recommending Magnesium sleep lotion which you can get from pharmacies e.g. Boots or from Holland & Barrett. It has magnesium but lavender and chamomile in it too which are supposed to help you sleep.

Others suggested tonic water or lucozade sport which I’ve not heard of as helping before but at least not too expensive to try.

I hope you can find something to help you soon.

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Jumper99

Dear Jumper

Yes I v e been told atomic water may help ..


Olderkitten profile image

Hi Willow are you talking about restless legs? I've suffered with it since...I can't remember but started getting worse about 10 years ago to the point I thought I would lose my mind, I had to stand and walk because if I sat or layed down it would start a gradually get worse. I mentioned it to my neurologist and he prescribed carbadopa levodopa and it's made a difference in my life, I still get it and it can be quite miserable but I don't get it as often and at this point I'll take any relief that's available. I hope you get the help you need.

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Olderkitten

Hi Olderkitten

Yes I know what you mean by take anything , just to stop the horrendous sensations and kicking /jerking that you have to do , just fir it to start again as soon has I’ve jerked or kicked . I’ve started just constantly moving sometimes , just to get a head start .

I feel mine is getting more worse .

Does this medication have side effects ?


Olderkitten profile image
Olderkitten in reply to Willow1414

I haven't had any side effects so I'm happy about that. I can't believe they don't know much about this misery to do something about it. I hope you get the help you need and can finally relax a bit.

Fennella02 profile image

Hi Willow. Have you tried supplementing with Iron? Even if your HB and Ferritin are high, your iron, transferrin saturation and one more that I can’t remember, might not be optimal. Iron is a significant cause of RLS. My RLS became particularly bad earlier this year and was, I felt , exacerbated by nerve pain starting in my hips and tracking into my shins etc. I found that Zapain (hi strength cocodamol) helped with the pain and made me drowsy enough to sleep at night. Hope I’ve been some help x

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Fennella02

Hi Fennella

Sorry to hear about your nerve pain , it never stops , does it …

There always seems to be the evil Lupus monster waiting in attack …

My tendons are getting extremely uncomfortable .. I’m walking like Frankenstein . Feel like 100 at times ..

sometimes just sit still and see what pain starts first. 😕


Cas70 profile image

Hi willow - I use Olbas oil - and rub it on my knees and legs and even feet. Or try Biofreeze gel or spray. I too have had restless legs for decades, or I did, until using these remedies- they also ease off any joint pains I have from arthritis - good luck

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Cas70

Hi Cad70

Thank you for your reply , so glad you can get relief of some kind .


Cas70 profile image
Cas70 in reply to Willow1414

There are so many simple natural remedies out there I have found - if I get reflux now i suck a Solero or Twister. Tip from my husband’s Carer xx

Cas70 profile image

Ps - had to see a neurologist and he advised me to avoid extra add on prescription meds as it is a never ending vicious circle and addle the brain. I have pared down to my original 2 drugs for the last 2 weeks and I feel so much better

Treetop33 profile image

I always get restless legs when I'm slightly iron deficient. Heat seems to be another factor, as is overtiredness. Hope you get it sorted as it's an absolute pain.

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Treetop33

Hi Treetop 33

Yes I agree , been tired, it’s always a lot worse , but won’t let you rest , quite a viscous circle ..


AnnNY profile image

I will second Treetop. Before they found severe anemia, my legs were quite jumpy at night. After treatment it has disappeared. I found a strange but useful way to self-treat was a large dose of Vitamin E. I took 400 mg. If that didn't work, I'd go to 800 mg. Don't know why it worked.

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to AnnNY

Hi AnnNY

That’s interesting


Queenie1943 profile image

I take Magnesium tablets which help me greatly plus a bar of soap in my bed it really works for me. Look it up on Google.

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Queenie1943

Hi Queenie

I’ve just bought the magnesium spray from HB . Just going to apply , has I’m sat her in the sofa , feeling the early jitters of what might be a bad night .


Queenie1943 profile image
Queenie1943 in reply to Willow1414

Good luck with that.👍

Queenie1943 profile image

How are you finding the problem. ?

Willow1414 profile image
Willow1414 in reply to Queenie1943

Hi Queenie1943

Thank you for asking , I found the first night had soooo much relief , although I did buy the oil and well and truly applied it all over my lower legs and feet, steeped feet first in a warm bowl , second night applied not gas much , did not give as much relief as the previous night . I’ve now bought the cream and a bigger bottle of the oil , has I feel it needs to be quite a heavy application .

So Yes thumbs … so far sooooo good

Thank you all who recommended .


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