Hi what vaccine are people with lupus getting
Query about vaccine for people with lupus - LUPUS UK
Query about vaccine for people with lupus

Im immunocompromised and I had the oxford vaccine on the 4th feb without any issues bar a headache.
I'm also immunocompromised and had the Pfizer vaccine with no real issues
I'm also immunocompromised and had AZ five weeks ago without any side effects other than tenderness at the injection site.
I had the Astra Zeneca. Felt pretty rough for a couple of days - tired & achy, but no ongoing problems.
I had the Astra Z. Vaccine and didn’t have any side effects at all
I had the AZ - no side affects.. just a bit of a sore arm and only noticed that when hubby squeezed my arm to attract my attention as I’m deaf!Good luck x
I`m immunocompromised and had the Oxford just felt tired the next day that was all.
Hi I had Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago was fine but 5 days after had a little flair up could hardly move for couple days , pushed myself out and about fine now
Pfizer - all fine with it bar a little tired for a day or two.
Immunosuppressed and had AstraZeneca with no problems at all
I had the Pfizer one about 4 weeks ago the only problem l had was my arm was sore for a couple of days where they injected it no other problems.
I can't have any of them, my INR is too unstable, using Fragmin at the moment with 13mg of warfarin
I also suffer from SLE.
I had the Oxford vaccine on the 6th March .
The only side effects so far is that my left arm feels a little soar. Other than that I feel fine.