Does anyone experience blue fingernails but no obvious color change in finger digits?
Blue fingernails? : Does anyone experience blue... - LUPUS UK
Blue fingernails?

Mine are purple down in the half moon part !goes with all the other weird stuff.x
Mine are even bluer than yours with red halos at top of each nail. They all hurt to touch type but the tissue around my fingertips is permanently numb. No reasons ever given by doctors.

That sounds painful, I’m sorry to hear you are going through this!
Thanks. I’ve kind of got used to it - initially it came with tiny fluid filled blisters which hurt and itched, burst and cratered - I called it glue fingertips or glue nails. I obsessed on it for a while. Thought it was Raynaud’s/ CREST, pompholyx eczema, Vasculitis etc. I’m none the wiser but I do have small fibre neuropathy so guess it is some kind of CTD thing.
I do still find it very unpleasant and my nails constantly chip and peel - I am always cutting my fingertips while cooking or working - sometimes deeply - due to the altered sensation. They still sting and itch and are red and shiny but no blistering or craters now. My old GPs were adamant that it was CTD related but CTD dr mentioned ageing?! My nails went blue when I was 48 - so I’m unimpressed! 🤷🏼♀️🙄😊

Well it doesn’t sound normal. I wouldn’t chalk it up to aging. I hope that you will figure out what is going on soon!
Blue finger nails can be a sign of low oxygen levels, it's one of the signs paramedics used to check for before the clip on oxygen monitor's.
thank you! Would you happen to know if this is common even if someone’s oxygen levels are fine according to a pulse oximeter machine? I’ve never had problems that has been mentioned by the nurse who uses one of those and I have one at home but still get the blue nails, especially when I’m cold.
If your fingers are cold as well that would possibly point to a circulation issue.
I only know about the oxygen side of blue nails as there are a lot of respiratory problems in the family, hence watching the nails.
Do you have a lung problem? If not why the meter? I have to be really struggling with breathing before my reading is at a level to give the doctors cause for concern. Mind you I could go to A&E but all they would do is monitor me and send me home to get on with it. These days it seems like you have to be at the point of going unconscious before anything is done. That's despite having asthma, emphysema and bronchiectasis. That's how it seems like to me, oh I mustn't forget when they see me the comment of "what do you expect with your lungs".
Hope you find out what's going on soon.
Good luck. X
Thank you for your response. That could very well be!
Im sorry to hear about this being consistent with your family, thats gotta be difficult. So glad you are taking note of these things though.
No lung issues that I know of. We initially got it because I had a couple syncope issues/ dizzy spells and we thought it would be good to keep an eye on. But it doesn’t happen very often. I totally hear ya! Or they ask why didn’t you try taking an aspirin😑. It sounds like when you go though, it should be taken seriously. I tend to avoid going now days because of this reason and it gets so expensive. Thank you, I hope so too.
some lupus patients will experience blue fingers, especially when exposed to cold or stress. You should see your doctor again, she will give you the right medications
Thank you for your note, I really would prefer no medicine. My primary and the Rheumatologist she referred me to arent taking me seriously so I really have to find a new doc as she has suggested depression medication a few times and they’ve stated theres nothing more tyey can do for me until is obviously worse.
My nails look like that. I’ve never mentioned it, and my oxygen levels when taken are fine.
However, one of the first tests I had was a nailfold capillaroscopy which allows medics to see the pattern of the capillaries. Mine were curly whirly on some fingers, which is not normal. This test was used because I had sclerosis markers in my blood and Secondary Raynaud’s. I then went on to a series of tests: lung function, heart echocardiogram etc. They were all ok. As far as I understand it, abnormal capillary patterns in the nail folds can indicate problems elsewhere.
This may, of course, not be the answer for you because I’m not a doctor.
Are you taking hydroxychloroquine sulphate?? That causes blue nails, blue legs and/or blue roof of mouth.

Hi JennaShi,
According to The Lupus Encyclopedia, quite a few changes can occur with the fingernails and toenails in people who have lupus. "They may develop hard lines or ridges on the surface of their nails; the edges of the nails may lift off the underlying skin at the end of the nails; as well as areas of unusual dark or reddish discolouration". The encyclopedia further states "These changes do not necessarily improve with treatment of SLE". It is important to remember that lupus presents differently in each individual therefore, no two people will share the exact same experience. To learn more about how lupus can affect the nails, read our factsheet on lupus and the feet at
Light sensitivity and Raynaud's phenomenon can also affect the nails of people with lupus. We published a blog article on Raynaud's phenomenon which you may like to read at