I prefer Zentiva over Quinoric, but my pharmacist is having trouble getting it - apparently the suppliers just keep delivering quinoric even though my prescription is for Zentiva.Is anybody else having trouble? I’m wondering if switching pharmacy would help.
Is anybody having trouble getting Zentiva? - LUPUS UK
Is anybody having trouble getting Zentiva?

Yes, over the years my main pharmacy has been unable to get Zentiva for me, but after a while they’ve always been able to supply me again. And I need brand names of several of my other regular meds...same prob happens with these too
I like the way you’re thinking: Whenever my main prescrip dispenser fails to get the brand i need of something, i take a NHS green prescrip that specifies the brand i need to 2 alternative pharmacists i inow & trust...almost always one of these can supply
Because of this sort of brand supply prob, i always make sure i have an extra month’s supply of each brand med in hand to cover me while i search for an alternative source. It’s a long time since my main pharmacy has been unable to supply Zentiva
Good luck...hope you get hold of Zentiva soon!
🍀❤️🍀❤️ Coco
zentiva is specified on my prescription but my pharmacist still try to fob me off with Bristol which gives me severe dizzy spells. I'm fine with zentiva no dizziness at all
I had same issues with my early December script from Boots, they kept getting sent quinoiric too, think they have over a dozen boxes now!! Phamicist ended up calling supplier to say it had to be Zentiva as stated on script and all orders to them, a message was eventually sent to warehouse!!, I got them 6th January 😁. (Luckly I have a 2 month stash in my cupboard for emergencies )
I had even called Zentiva direct by this point and there’s no issues with supply!!
I got my Zentiva last week. My pharmacy knows it has to be Zentiva and they said they had to request it from their supplier as a ‘hospital’ request. Not quite sure what this means but I did get the correct brand. Like everyone here I always order it at least three weeks before I run out.