Hi my name is Michelle and I wondered if anyone could help or offer any advice
I had Hashimotos and a total thyrodectomy 2 years ago which was a great success and I’ve never felt better
Recently I have had 2 numb fingers so went and had some tests which resulted in ulnar neuropathy, however at the time because of my history my consultant ran some blood tests and these are the results ( at the time normal in January )
CRP 11.1 mg/L range <5
ESR 9 mm/hour range 0-12
ANA screen positive 160 titre/speckled
Double stranded DNA 72.0 range <10
He has arranged for an MRI for my elbow, to see a Rheumatologist and to see another Neurologist incase the elbow is inflammatory due to my results
As you can imagine I’m a bit worried now because I’ve been so well with no other symptoms, he has mentioned Lupus could be the cause of the results
Has anyone got any advice or can help with the results
Many thanks Michelle x