Please can i just have a self indulgent moan...IM... - LUPUS UK


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Please can i just have a self indulgent moan...IM FED UP.....

Staywildmoonchild profile image

Im so fed up! Fed up of being positive. Fed up of carrying on. Fed up of fighting. Fed up of reading. Fed up of wrist pain. Fed up of knee pain. Fed up of forgetting ****. Fed up of confussion. Fed up of breathlessness. Fed up of urine infections. Fed up of fluctuating blood pressure. Fed up of this rash. Fed up of fatigue. Fed up of people thinking fatigue means get some sleep. Fed up of dizziness. Fed up of weight gain. Fed up of feeling old. Fed up of feeling stiff. Fed up of being the only one awake in the middle of the night. Fed up of motivating myself. Fed up of feeling fed up!!!!!!


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Staywildmoonchild profile image
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25 Replies
Lil-Miss profile image

HI Staywildmoonchild,

I'm just going to give you an imaginary high five as you've said how I feel right now. It's frustrating and tiresome being fed up. I have nothing else to add except I know how you feel!

Stay blessed x

popsmith1874 profile image

It can become very frustrating at times but please don't give up take time to take stock and phone the helpline and talk to someone who understands what your going through as it can be easy for things to overcome us and then it's very hard to come out off it, I hope things improve for you and get improvements with your health xxx

LupusKaren profile image

Afternoon, do I feel like you do today, hell yes, frequently, so I absolutely get where you are coming from, whilst you probably did not intend your post to be funny, it did make me smile, I was visualising you banging on them old 'F's' on keyboard with gusto.

Seriously it is beyond draining dragging oneself out the bed in the morning, that is if you can actually bloody move without help, and making yourself move, and get on about the day, but you have today, and posted a great thread, so that is your gold star award given, for letting off some steam.

Here in our group, we are among friends, and people who do understand, I wish for you, a better afternoon and evening.

Hang in there, you are stronger than you think.

grannypat68 profile image

Oh my word - that could be me speaking - I just want to scream and shout at everyone 📣that I’m sick and fed up of being sick and fed up but having to carry on as if everything hunky dory 🤬🤬🤬🤬

I sympathise with all of your gripes and relieved that I’m not only one with these same problems- sometimes feel that medics not taking notice and actually scared that all problems terminal - that’s how it gets you sometimes isn’t it.

So sending huge hugs of sympathy to you and all group friends suffering in some way today (and most other days too) 😘

Lisalou19 profile image

I reckon you have just put in to words how many of us feel. Be assured that it seems pretty normal to get to this point.

I often find that at times when I reach this point, I get back up stronger than ever but it never lasts long :-(

Make the most of your good days, and when your feeling fed up, try to remind yourself of your good days. It’s not easy. It’s a shame many of us are suffering With others not having much knowledge.

And 100% fatigue feels nothing like tiredness!!!!!!!


HeKe profile image

In my crowd, I’m known as the world’s happiest, most positive person, but I sometimes come on here and rant my heart out xxxx. Also, whilst I am outwardly respectable Lupus makes me use the “F” word. This is mainly in my head but sometimes outwardly to my long suffering husband because I’m so f***ing fed up of aching and having no energy. It is so hard to explain to others how we are affected. I can’t make you feel better, but I can tell you that you have every right to feel sorry for yourself.

Sending an electronic hug xxxx

Mean-time profile image
Mean-time in reply to HeKe

Hi HeKe, I have the same image. Yet ranting on the inside while smiling on the outside has become a way of life with me. I’ve come to the conclusion doctors n friends think I’m ok n just depressed. I’m not depressed, just don’t have the oomph it takes to do much. Long story short, I JUST DONT FEEL GOOD! Lol...I’m 80 years old now n was diagnosed when I was in early sixties. MCTD (unspecified), pulmonary fibrosis, Sweet’s Syndrome, etc. I don’t know your age, but be honest with friends n doctors, I am not a complainer but now when doctors and others look at me and say ‘you look good’ I’m going smile, adjust my shoulder oxygen tank and say “that’s good but the outside is deceiving because I DONT FEEL WELL AT ALL!” God Bless You, make sure you are getting the correct meds n treatment. YOU may be YOUR only advocate .. RESEARCH!! 👍💃

HeKe profile image
HeKe in reply to Mean-time

Thanks for this interesting response. I'm 56 next week and I'm in the early stages of being diagnosed with some kind of connective tissue disease. I'm not on medication yet other than anti inflammatories which aren't taking away the pain. Thankfully it is mild most of the time. I love your advice to research. Whatever it is that is making me ill, I want to understand it so that I can manage it.

Ianrussell69 profile image

Migraine ☑️Confused ☑️Muscle pain ☑️And urine kidney infection ☑️When it gets on top of you a good winge and wine will make you feel better it works for me so never be sorry for venting when it gets to much hope you feel better soon

Cas70 profile image
Cas70 in reply to Ianrussell69

Ditto - try D-Mannose for urine infection. Any good health shop or on line - it works. Clears the bacteria in bladder.

Kismetsoul profile image
Kismetsoul in reply to Cas70

How do you use the mayonnaise, so tired of antibiotics that do nothing except through my gut out of whack

Cas70 profile image
Cas70 in reply to Kismetsoul

Sorry this went into junk mail. The stuff to buy is D-Mannose - it is a natural mineral that helps keep the bladder free if infection. It comes in tablet form which is cheapest. Look it up on line for its qualities. You can buy it on line or go to a good health shop and ask for it. Honestly my husband improved so much that I told my sister who has UTI all the time and she is now free of it.

Good luck

Kismetsoul profile image
Kismetsoul in reply to Cas70

Thank you so much

honeybug profile image

Hi Moonchild

I agree with you and I’m fed up too.

I feel the way you do at times too. It seems like the illness pathway will never end without any exit to a rest area or a place of much needed wellness.

I/ we are always here to listen to lend a shoulder to cry on and give you support.

Gentle hugs and Xxx


Olibop profile image

My heart goes out to you darlin !! I am feeling a little like you at the moment and trying to help look after my 82 year old mum it just get harder every day xxxx

Cas70 profile image


Please try D- Mannose for urine infection - it works. Kills bacteria in bladder. Any good health shop. X

suzannah16 profile image

I'm with you. I have become tired of being "cheerful". I have had ill health for 30 years [54 now] and have had a sense of humour throughout. I have really needed this with my colitis as it is so embarrassing being poked and prodded by so many dr's. now having lupus as well I am just tired with being tired. I recently lost my dog which I now realise was about the only thing keeping me going, and feel I am unable to get another pet because if anything happened to me I have no one who could take care of a pet for me. I don't get PIP just esa and a disability premium and worry this will be taken from me. I worry that when I get "invited" to switch to universal credit they will say I no longer qualify as disabled. All I seem to do is worry about the future. I have an ileostomy bag which farts loudly, how could I work when all I want to do is sleep and how would you explain to customers about a farting bag. to a dss employee who wants to stop your benefit because you are "capable" of work it my seem a minor problem after all all I have is pain, a farty bag and no energy. hardly a reason not to work.

how do other people manage work? Is there some fantastic employer out there who doesn't mind if you fart at customers and nod off while talking to them. I may be getting lupus mood swings too so may snap at people for no reason. still i'm sure a disability assessment would find me fit to work. I also have lupus fog at the moment and could forget my own name let alone other things. Is there anyone out there who wants to employ me?? I could probably manage about 10 hours a week. well maybe 5 maybe not every week just now and then.

driven profile image
driven in reply to suzannah16

HI Suzannah. You could live till you are one hundred and if so would have given up so many years of rewarding friendships with a dog/s. I would encourage you to think about getting a rescue dog. If the worst came to the worst I expect the rescue home would take him/her back into their care. It is also much less tiring to have a grown up dog than a puppy AND whatever happened you would be giving it a reprieve from a life in a dogs home. If your dog was keeping you going (as my animals do for me) then please don't let fear hold you back!

suzannah16 profile image
suzannah16 in reply to driven

there are very few dog shelters near me, Luckily for local dogs not so lucky for me, I have already looked for old dogs [all my past animals have been rescued one way or another] but they are all too young also the shelters that do have some dogs want £300 pounds for any age rescue dog. I could get a pedigree for less. I am hoping to join a charity that fosters out dogs for people who are in hospital so I could "borrow dogs" I just need a reference but being unable to work I have no friends I could ask to give me one. i'm beginning to think ill health has turned me into a hermit. so I think some life changes are needed. thank you for your words of wisdom

Mean-time profile image

Hi Fed up, I hear you and am smiling because I agree! Being fed up is normal as far as I’m concerned. All the well meaning ‘advice’ is because they want to help us. I do listen, but find it tiresome because most of it has been tried. I have a friend that has multiple pain problems n sadness in her life, tells it like it is, doesn’t mince her words and reaches out to others to help them. We are all different, be yourself! Stay as wild as you are, your friends n doctors know you! I like your spunk! I’m going to keep reading you 🤗🙏👍

Poshcards profile image

Can I join you please!! Sending you some big hugs xxx

Cas70 profile image

Just read this to my husband - it made him realise more what we go thru. He loved it - very good because it is the simple truth ! Thanks

Oh wow. Thanks so much to every single one of you that has liked or commented. I seem to have given some of you a ry smile whilst others support through sharing and others an avenue to express "their' fed-up-ness. That gives me hope for us all, without hope there is nothing!

I have always said that a good'ol rant is under used and under valued.

ALWAYS be true to who you are!

Till the next time comrades.

Stay wild.


Florencian profile image

I know where you're coming from. Just because I don't look ill, people think it's all in my mind. I have something else to add. I live in the USA and they are not prescribing pain killers anymore. Unless you're dying of cancer. Too many people OD on Oxy now we all have to suffer.

philipwatling profile image

A car smashed into my knee in 1994 - so I understand knee pain! I bounced of and collided with a bus, my head melding with the metal... A massive head injury I had! Fatigue and confusion I un... Um, what was I saying LOL

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