Private rheumatologist appointment - how to prese... - LUPUS UK


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Private rheumatologist appointment - how to present the best case?

Poppet2308 profile image
4 Replies

I've just made some further enquiries regarding a private referral to a rheumatologist at the Nuffield Medical Centre in Chester with Dr Roger Bucknall.

Dr Bucknall no longer works within the NHS but did so for many decades and has an excellent reputation. It will be £175 for a 30 minute slot. I've no idea if this will be long enough to go over everything and be able to state my case adequately.

What concerns me is the fear that the GP letter of referral might cause him to pre-judge my symptoms/history and come to the same conclusion that I don't have Lupus. I'm still unsure if he will be privy to my medical history - including numerous blood tests? - prior to the appointment as I've never done this before.

I will try and get hold of as many past blood test results as possible from over the years as there have been numerous red flags that should have been looked into further but just weren't.

Have others been forced to seek out a private rheumy at their own expense and been successful with getting a diagnosis? How did you go about getting the best out of your appointment?

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4 Replies
_jenc_ profile image

Hi Poppet2308,

I hope you are alright. I haven't experienced it personally with Rhuemy but it did take a while before everything came together with my diagnosis and getting on treatment. Hang in there and if it's Lupus you've got, it'll eventually come to light. Take good care x

Hi . I also saw a private rheulaligust recently as my ANA was negative my Gp was reluctant to refer me to NHS and having been ill for months didn’t want to wait any longer . I saw a Fr Menom at the Nuffield in stoke . I ask my GP FOR a referral letter (which by the way was useless and did not include my blood results or a correct record of my symptoms - this stressed me out before I even went to my appt) I made a head to toe list of my symptoms and how they where affecting me on a daily basis - even the ones that I hadn’t told my GP about in fear of overwhelming him or seeming like a hypochondriac !! I had a fab consultation which lasted nearly 60 minutes ( the consultant did not ask to see the referral letter until the end of consultation - when I handed it over he didn’t even glance at it - phew I thought !! . He agreed with GP THAT HE DIDNT THINK I HAD LUPUS but also suggested further blood tests for other auto immune conditions & nerve conduction tests for the nerve pain in my legs - the head to toe list I had made really helped us to focus (and not forget anything and those unmentioned symptoms (dry eyes and mouth suggested srygeons . Well worth the money in my opinion and he didn’t push for me to have any of the blood tests etc privately . Use the time wisely and I’m sure it will go very well - good luck

Cas70 profile image

Dear Poppet - I have had several private consultations before diagnosis and it speeded up the diagnosis. You will not need the referral letter and your list is good but keep it to the main symptoms and then he can focus, as he will, on the symptoms for Lupus and/or anything else. Don’t WORRY - it won’t solve anything and doesn’t help your condition. You can ask for a letter from him to your GP of his diagnosis and also medication suggestions plus a copy to you Good luck - it will be fine. Cas70

You could ask for print copies of your most recent blood test results (including thyroid if you have them?) and any other recent investigations from GP reception.

You may have to pay something for printing costs but explain you need them for private consultation. Or if you can access these online then print them off yourself. This should help the private consultant and save you getting expensive tests done yourself. Best of luck. I have seronegative Sjögren’s with positive ANA but no specific antibodies. It was finally confirmed by lip biopsy.

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