Hi everyone! Ive just had an assesment for PIP as i was on DLA, and given the news today that i will not receive anymore payment from them. Im absolutly shocked at the dission. Where are you meant to go from here?? Please help!

The same happened to me. It is disgusting how they treat people. You HAVE TO APPEAL THE DECISION. Quickly too!! You can get help from the CAB, your Dr will write a detailed letter, any of your specialist letters. I was on the enhanced mobility and living on DLA, I lost 90% of my money and they took my car away. Talk about stress!! I wish you good luck xx
Thanks Mandie, yet again the invisible illness gets un noticed. Im stressing out so much can't believe what they have wrote in my report! I will see my rheumatologist and go to CAB. Just stress that we do not need! Did you get yours with the help of CAB? XXX
I did go to the CAB, who werent as helpful as usual but they out me in touch with a local team called KCIL. Its a grouo that helps promote independant living. Am nit sure whete you live but if you search online, even put KCIL in initially and see what other links it gives you. Or join some of the Lupus support groups on Facebook, they are a great help to me xx
The introduction of PIP was a blatant attempt to get as many people as possible off benefits, not a way to help them better. Have you seen Mifford's posts about her experience? She went to an Appeals tribunal and reading her posts might be useful. Good luck anyway x
Thank you whisperit. Will have a look at his/her posts. Yes i totally agree. Xxx
You can also ask your local Welfare Rights Officer to help and they will go with you to any tribunal (the welfare rights officer can be found at your local council office or social workers).

Hi Rach459 ,
The first step would be to request a mandatory reconsideration and then following that, if the decision is unchanged you can appeal at a tribunal. We have guides for appealing PIP decisions which are available for LUPUS UK members. You can learn more about this at lupusuk.org.uk/benefits/
If you need hands on assistance with your appeal you may want to contact the Welfare Rights Advisor at your local council or make an appointment at your local Citizens Advice Bureau.