Hi everyone, I've just been told that I could be having Lupus after my ANA came back positive. I don't have any rashes or falling of hair but I have inflammation in both my hands and knee joints. I also have OA.
I been taking curcumin and Boswelia supplements for the past few months but the Dr has asked me to stop those and has started me on Celebrex (celecoxib). I'm quite hesitant to start on these NSAIDs since the Boswelia has been kind of working at suppressing my inflammation.
I seek some views on whether should I start taking the NSAIDs?
also is the hair falling and skin rashes bound to happen at some point?..
I thank you all for your support and views..really appreciate it since I'm still trying to understand what should I do next..
Thanks so much.
Robyn, 42