Unknown at this point. Awaiting appointment next ... - LUPUS UK


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Unknown at this point. Awaiting appointment next week to discuss symptoms with dr.

Tracylove profile image
11 Replies

Hi there, I have many symptoms that I feel relate to lupus and am awaiting an initial GP appointment following recent symptoms (possible flair up) recurring Nasty rash on my Lower lip with swelling itching etc- blotches on my hands etc- fatigue and various other symptoms.. two factors I feel strongly about are my unexplained periodontal disease and psoriasis nails that have become quite servere including one nail going black. I have written an extensive list of symptoms including joint pain in my hands with itchy bumps pain in elbows and hips, kidney pain, urinary issues, IBS, muscular skeletal issues (recurring.) lots of other symptoms also.. I'm anxious that I may be treated as a worrier and not taken seriously. I know I just have to be patient but the more I read the more it seems legitimate. Thanks for reading.

Anyone have info or experience regarding periodontal disease and nail issues. Thank you

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Tracylove profile image
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11 Replies
Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK

Hi Tracylove,

Good luck with your GP appointment. I hope that they take your concerns on board and request any appropriate tests and referrals to get you a diagnosis for your symptoms.

If you need more information about lupus and how it is diagnosed, we have a free pack which you can request or download from our website at lupusuk.org.uk/request-info...

Tracylove profile image
Tracylove in reply to Paul_Howard

Thank you, I will have a look now. 👍:)

Barnclown profile image

Hello Tracy: am glad you're here. Many here are seeking diagnosis. Many here are in process of diagnosis refinement alongside initial treatment. Others are old hands 😉 so there is something for everyone at every stage of our sort of immune dysfunction & connective tissue disorder

Paul's advice is spot on. These links have also proven popular with many of us seeing consultatants &a GPs etc...you can download the lupus checklist & an appt prep guide:



Many lupus patients are diagnosed with overlapping autoimmune conditions...and our nails & mouths are well known to be affected. But there are many other medical conditions in which the nails & mouth show significant signs & symptoms. So, take photos & keep a symptom log...see what your medics think.

hope you'all let us know how you get on

🍀🍀🍀🍀 coco

Tracylove profile image
Tracylove in reply to Barnclown

Thank you, for your reply:)

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to Tracylove


bluesmum profile image
bluesmum in reply to Barnclown

I've tried downloading these but it just keeps asking for my zip code. I'm in the uk and here it's post code but it won't accept that. Also it gives states to choose which I don't live in any ty

Barnclown profile image
Barnclown in reply to bluesmum

Strange...I'll have a go myself & see what happens...will get back to you here on this...TBC...

...I'm back:

just now I used the links to download both these docs...I think/hope I've figured out where you may be going wrong:

Eg when you click on the first link, a page comes up which includes this copy:

Lupus Checklist

This printable checklist can help you record symptoms and other changes to your health. Fill it out and bring it to your next medical appointment to spark discussions with your doctor.

Download Lupus Checklist (PDF)

So: You must click only on this line:

'Download Lupus Check List (PDF)

NB Do not click on the lines related to requesting the Free Lupus Journal. This journal is offered on the same pages as these PDF docs in these 2 links. You're right: only usa residents can order the journal (and they must give their post codes)

I hope this helps...it's hard to explain in writing....

misty14 profile image

Hi tracylove

Good luck with your GP appointment next week. You have an impressive symptom list so they should do some initial bloods to see if ANA is positive. Have you talked to your dentist about periodontal disease?. Inflammation can I think be implicated in this so if you do get treatment it will help your mouth. X

Tracylove profile image
Tracylove in reply to misty14

Thank you, I have been speaking with my dentist for last couple of years shes been confused by it and referred me to a periodontist but its so expensive I haven't attended.. it flares up and settles too so just makes me think. I would be very happy to slow or stop the process with my teeth as I have been told I will start loosing teeth, its not a hygene issue either theres not a lot they can do as yet, I always wondered if there was something else going on.. I generally feel like a hypochondriac with all the symptoms I have had over the last few years many of which I have not listed so I believe something is going on as for whether its lupus or not I don't know. only time will tell

thanks again

misty14 profile image
misty14 in reply to Tracylove

Hi traceylove

You have every right to ask your GP for a Rheumatology Referral if you feel your symptoms are an illness like lupus. He should do bloods and include ANA and if this is positive will refer you to one anyway!. Trouble is you can have the symptoms and negative ANA and they won't refer unless you insist!. Hopefully you won't be in that category. Good luck and keep us posted. X

bluesmum profile image

Ahi Tracy, I'm in the same boat at the minute. I've just changed gps because after all these years my go didn't give a hoot even when the dermatologist put in my notes to question lupus which was 4 years ago and he did nothing, which I only found out about when I went to see my new doctor. My daughter is under this new doctor and she was diagnosed with lupus crones and I think it's bachs syndrome about a year ago. I'm now being monitored for lupus but after all these years I feel as though my old doctor never listened and just blamed everything on my thyroid (under active) . Even when my body swelled and was oozing puss, my skin resembled a crocodile and my hair fell out I had to beg him to refer me to dermatologist who actually went ballistic at how long I'd been left before referral. I'm always so exhausted with 'brain fog constantly, its unreal. So I do hope you get a fast response as I know how you feel, good luck

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