Autoimmunity and gluten.: - LUPUS UK


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Autoimmunity and gluten.

chlorophyle profile image
4 Replies

This video is well worth persevering with, especially the last 5 minutes, where the connection between intestinal permeability and autoimmune illness is made. Hope you don't mind me posting this as I have no diagnosis but have experienced chronic back pain and sciatica, costochondritis, frozen shoulder, painful elbow and wrist joints, hypothyroidism, bipolar disorder and insomnia. Moving towards a grain free diet was not a quick fix - it took 2 years before I got rid of the back problems and this was a result I was not expecting after 30 years of problems. It is very hard to change eating habits particularly when current NHS and US guidelines emphasise wholegrains. I don't eat the perfect paleo diet but I have found the most beneficial things to leave out are grains and legumes. I don't have any current health issues or symptoms.

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chlorophyle profile image
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4 Replies
Soc71 profile image

Hi, thanks for this video post. I'm am currently juice fasting & then moving over to a Paleo diet.

I was diagnosed with lupus last year, after years of rashes, joint paint, muscle pain, then finally bone marrow failure brought on by a virus.

My biggest issue at the moment is chronic fatigue, I have had enough of it, so have done loads of research about diet & autoimmune disease & everything comes back to gluten, wheat & diary, or basically interfered with food.

So I'm cleaning up my diet, which was always pretty good, but I loved bread & pasta.

After 3 months on steroids to help fatigue which didn't, last year, I developed an ulcer, a torn stomach lining & acid reflux. So painful. So what was I prescribed...more tablets!

So I'm on day 4 of a juice fast & my rash has calmed down hugely , the brain fog is starting to lift, I'm sleeping better & not waking up tired & have no stomach pain! Amazing after 4 days. I could never have attempted this email at 7.49am in the last 12 months.

The fast is tough. I am doing the Joe Cross Reboot. I am aiming for 7 days. Then it's Paleo for me.

Nothing about diet is investigated at my appointments, where it appears it's vital to at least eliminate Gluten. Far cheaper than all the drugs I am being prescribed.

I urge anymore who is struggling with an auto immune disease to research diet & autoimmunity & see if it will work for them.

Thanks again for the video.

JudeeB profile image

Hi Chlorophyle. Thanks for posting this. I was told about Paleo by my chiropractor and the last few months of last year I started to make the changes, particularly cutting out grains and legumes. I did find my energy levels were better and I did not have a flare in that time. Christmas came and I managed to do a great deal of socialising without any major effects on my lupus which was a first for me at that time of year. However, breaking Paleo for christmas turned into 2 months of non paleo eating. I am also now in the middle of a flare. My AHA moment when watching this video was thinking ' that's why I have this flare!' .It makes sense to me so my motivation to get back on the Paleo waggon has just shot up. Had a paleo breakfast so I am determined to take the small steps back to Paleo which I did last year. Have to say I lost weight too which was a real bonus. So just as I was beating myself up about eating rubbish and putting on weight and being weak willed your video came along and has given me the boost I needed. Diet is such a big part of what makes us work (well or otherwise) and yet isn't a part of any advice or treatment that I have ever been offered. Sharing more on this site is such a helpful thing to do to help us all get the best possible handle on our conditions that we can. Thanks you so much for making the effort to post on here.

chlorophyle profile image

Thanks for your replies. I too had lapses in my diet which caused me severe consequences - being hospitalised again for bipolar being the main one, an episode of vertigo and burning rashes on both hands. None of these consequences was immediate so it's hard to connect with food. My brother has vertigo and has been diagnosed with Menieres. He has gone deaf in one ear but does not believe food can cause these things, because the advice does not come from his GP. It makes me sad that people can suffer so much, their bodies getting further damaged, and not get the right advice. I listened to a free online gluten free summit and the scientific research is beginning to come through but it can take years and GPs have no grounding in nutrition.

I am so pleased you found it useful. All the best, C.

butterfly1000 profile image

Just wanted to say - I started paleo last summer and have never felt better. Never thought I could feel this good.

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