Personal Independance Payment update : Happy New... - LUPUS UK


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Personal Independance Payment update

wotshernameagain profile image
21 Replies

Happy New year every one

I just wanted to check if any on has heard anything regarding their PIP application.

It has been six months since my initial application and two months since my assessment.

I have been calling every week but I get the same response that ATOS are doing quality checks.

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wotshernameagain profile image
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21 Replies
CathT profile image

I was told there was a very large backlog. Sorry

sharonleane profile image

Is there anywhere they can be reported to? 6mnths is too long!!

wotshernameagain profile image

I was thinking that also apparently some people have written to their MP's

Hi there whatshername . I applied for pip at the end of August . I had an appointment for a assessment at my home but unfortunately had to cancel. I'm still waiting for another assessment appointment. Please can you tell me how it went for you ? I've heard that they can be quite nasty is this true ? Good luck with yours. Hope you get it .Regards x

wotshernameagain profile image
wotshernameagain in reply to

Hi there

My assessment went well.. I think

The doctor seemed sympathetic but I will have to wait until I get the outcome of my assessment to know for sure.

I would recommend you write down bullet points of what you would like to address so you don’t forget and have someone there with you to help you if you get flustered.

Mine was not a home appointment so I’m not sure how different it will be but try ringing up for cancellations, I set my self a reminder in my phone and called every week to get mine

in reply to wotshernameagain

Thank you for your reply. I will take uour advice and phone and hopefully get an appointment soon. Xx

charley07 profile image
charley07 in reply to

I had my face to face, on the 2/1/13, and this young doctor, was very nice and understanding!! dot worry...just don't feel to worried about it... its just like going to local GP really...they may carry out a physical examination...but if you cant, the its simple...just tell them you cant...but don't be nervous, its fine. Some may be a little stricked, but that's just who they are...its not got anything to do, with what they place on your report. be yourself and i am sure it will be fine!

in reply to charley07

Hi Charlie 07 . Thanks for your post. I am really worried about this it made me so stressed out . I had to cancel my appointment in my home in October . I thought I would of had another appointment sent through by now. How long did your assessment take? Did they say how long it could take . Why can't they just ask write to our doctors and consultants instead of putting us through this . We have enough to cope with . Hope you hear back soon . Let me know how yiu get on . Thank you and good luck . X

charley07 profile image
charley07 in reply to

The assessment only took about 30 mins in total... simple questions, but some where very similar(to try to trick you).... the questions where very easy to understand and answer.. and the examination was nothing much at all...if you simply cannot do it...then try, but don't push yourself, only do what you can that doesn't make it to discomforting to you.

The actual person, who did my assessment, couldn't give an exact time scale on how long from now, but he hopes that it should take no longer than a fortnight for the decision maker at the Dwp, to get in touch.

he was very helpful, And told me, before hand that it would be straight forward and it was just that!...

Good luck with yours Hun, If you don't get another appointment sent by the middle of this week coming, i would call, and ask for a complains form to be sent out to you, fill it in with as much detail as possible, and threaten them with the local MP...that should shift things along for you, as i had to do the same .

I made first initial Call , on July 7th, was waiting and waiting... and waiting........ util i called and asked why was it that they where taking so long...they gave me some jargon about having a very large back log to get i asked for a complaints form...and hey presto, got my face to face appointment given to me...mind you i still had to wait 6 weeks for that!!!...but now its done, hopefully i will get somewhere,

Good luck with this Hun...


i will let you know of the outcome, let me know of yours to.cheers xxx

Take care

jeevan05 profile image

I had my assessment on the 11th December, I thought it was 2 weeks for a decision. But if you have been waiting 2 months I think I probably have 2 wait alot longer..the assessment went well but U can never tell until they have made a decision.

wotshernameagain profile image
wotshernameagain in reply to jeevan05


jamg3916 profile image

Hi, think I must have been exceptionally lucky reading others experiences. I heard at the end of the two weeks. I found the ATOS assessment OK it was done by a Physiotherapist from a private company, but she was very pleasant and helpful. I was asked the same questions more or less as are on the application form and she wrote my answers on the online form. I had a very brief physical assessment regarding my movement which by no means upsetting or difficult. I must admit I was very very anxious before I went as had been refused DLA through tribunal etc....but so relieved when I got positive answer. I think much depends on what part of the country you live in and who are doing the assessments, Capita or ATOS, from what the CAB have discussed with me. They helped me fill the form in, so I don't know if that the way to go.

esky profile image

Hello all

I applied for PIP in June. Had my assessment in September. AND IM STILL WAITING FOR A DECISION!!! They received ATOS assessment in October - they then took 6 weeks to look at the assessment to only disagree with ATOS assessment and send it back to ATOS as they think I was under scored! ATOS replied 3 weeks ago - still waiting for decision maker to look at it. The 2 week decision timescale is a joke it very rarely happens. I complained and it didnt do anything. To be totally honest the new system for PIP is a joke. They are seriously taking the P**S and really getting on my nerves. Trust me takes alot to wind me up. They need to pull their finger out and actually do some work!!! (sorry if I sound cranky been at A&E all night lol). Fingers crossed for the rest of u.

Lupie hugs

Esky x

wotshernameagain profile image
wotshernameagain in reply to esky

Why can they understand how stress full their application process is and then to have these delays its damn cruel!

Whether or not I am awarded Pip will greatly change the quality of some one’s life so of course the process is going to cause stress and anxiety which does not help the various conditions

I am sorry that you had to spend the night in A&E and hope you feel better soon

esky profile image
esky in reply to wotshernameagain

Thank u love will be okay just shattered as per. The worst thing about the PIP thing is we wouldnt put ourselves through the whole process unless we needed the help in the first place!! God knows it is far too stressful. I am onr that can definately admit it has affected my health dramatically as the drs cannot seem to get my lupus under control and I do think that the stress of it all has contributed to it all. We will see what they decide. Hope it all goes well hun. lupie hugs esky xx

Shann07 profile image
Shann07 in reply to wotshernameagain

Hi, just wondering are you still working? Am just curious whether this will affect entitlement? Also do you know if everyone has an assessment? I know someone who transferred from dla to PIP just by completing the form & no assessment was required? Hope you are successful I'm due to renew my dla in april & I'm pretty scared i will loose it x.

wotshernameagain profile image
wotshernameagain in reply to Shann07

I am working but pip is not means tested so it is not effected by your income

charley07 profile image

That is a load of rubbish they are telling you, as after the initial application which was in July 2013, I had to wait for 5 months, and that was with making a complaint to their department for taking so long, for my Face to face with a professional health person, who carried out the appointment.

He there fore told me , after this appointment, that he didn't know how long it would be before i get the answer, from the DWP,

It is now in the hands of the DWP, and the decision maker there..It goes on a point scoring system...the higher you get the more eligible you are...or for some individuals, not!

It shouldn't take to long, I am hoping, as now these people at ATOS, have nothing more to do with your claim...they are just the middle man, who take claims in, from when you send your claim form back,and then they get you a face to face appointments after checking your file reports.. if you need to know anything more, I suggest that you ring your local DWP, for further advice, or ask to speak to management , as 2 months still is a very long time to be waiting!

I hope this can help!

wotshernameagain profile image

Another update guys

I spoke to ATOS yesterday (17/01/14) and I was told that my assessment has now been passed back to DWP.

Only 3mth and 2 days (94 days) after the assessment and 7months and 5 days (219 days) after I'm initial application.

Lets see how long it takes for DWP to make a decision

I have decided that this weekend i am going to write a letter of complaint to PIP and also to my MP as this is disgusting.

Laceygreen profile image

What kind of things do they ask you,and what kind of things do you have to do ...thanks

wotshernameagain profile image
wotshernameagain in reply to Laceygreen

They kinda aske the same question on the form, how do you eat ect.

It is really worth keeping some kind of diary in which you record your limitations what you eat when you eat no detail is too small I even described how I do my hair and the problems I had getting in and out of the bath.

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