Fevers and Chills: been having these for over... - LUPUS UK


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Fevers and Chills

USAhousewife profile image
15 Replies

been having these for over 3 weeks. One minute I'm covered in sweat, then freezing for hours, Then it starts over. No fever over 2/10 degree, if any. Is it problems from blebs, the surgeries, or another joy from RA, Lupus, I go to

My family doc tomorrow and just wondered if anyone has had this annoying

Thanks in advance

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USAhousewife profile image
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15 Replies
joannebond360 profile image

Hi. This is one of my worst symptoms. It is HORRIBLE! Have exactly the same. Night time waking covered in sweat but shivering and cold. Since taking plaquenil and methotrexate the sweats have stopped. Hope it eases up for you very soon.

Jo883 profile image

Before I got to see my Rheumatogist, I used to soak the bed sheets through with night sweats, In the day I couldn't keep warm used to put layer upon layer of clothing on and blankets and still feel cold I was like this for months, until I went on Hydroxy as Joanne says above!!

Davidj profile image
Davidj in reply to Jo883

Are you on blood thinner ? That will do it, as you blood thins or thickens it can change your body temp

At least that's what I was told hope that helps

David J

Jo883 profile image
Jo883 in reply to Davidj

No I don't take blood thinners David. :-)

This is something that really irritates me. The medical community with all their book learning only judge fever if your temperature shows over a certain level.

There seems to be a complete dearth of knowledge of cold sweats. Something that those with temperature control issues have to live with. So if when measured, your temperature shows with the suggested normal range, all else you say is ignored as if its the ranting of a fool.

Hello fellow fools.

stefgilbert profile image

The sweats at night are horrible leaving us worn out ,good luck

Pipido36 profile image

Hello there. Thought I was the only one with this problem. It is so embarrassing and hard to explain. Since I went back on plaquinel 400mg a day after reducing, it has got better. Hope you find a solution. Take care xxxxx

JJKANE profile image

Hi I get cold sweats all the time day and night . It's very embarrassing ...I can get out of shower , get dressed and be soaked again in mins ...I thought I was the only one who's thermostat had gone crazy . I can also have one freezing foot and the other red hot ! That's loopy for you ;0)

Purpletop profile image

I used to have the same while in a flare - they disappear when the lupus is under control. For me this is the first sign of a flare. This and sudden hair loss.

Davidj profile image

Have you changed or are on any new pain relievers? This is what determined to be my problem.

Hope that helps

David J

roobarb profile image

Hi USAhousewife

Like purpletop, this is also a sign of a flare for me. At it's mildest I get overheated on & off throughout the day, but more especially at night. I know it's really bad when I go from shivering cold to a soaring temperature. Then my body literally runs with sweat, & once I thought I could hear an ice cream van music in the middle of the night. If only!

I really hope your rheumy can help you. X

DonnyJM profile image

I have been getting this when I have a flare. I thought it was just me. I get sweats one minute then later feel really cold but I never seem to have an actual high temp with it. GP reckoned it is Lupus playing with my thermostat.

Lorelei profile image

I have suffered with Fevers and Chills for years! While it's true that they occur less often when things are "under control", I have continued to have these symptoms even though I now have a negative ANA. My rheumatologist treated me as though I was crazy. So . . . I found a new rheumatologist. This one understands that patients can continue to have symptoms of lupus even when lab results look normal.

My fevers and chills almost always begin in the middle of the night after a day when I've done more than my usual activity. When I was still working, these symptoms were the most common reason for me to have to miss a day of work. Now I often have plans with a friend the next day, then have to cancel because of the fever and chills starting in the middle of the night. It's so frustrating not to be able to count on feeling well enough to do what one plans to do the next day!

I hope that your rheumatologist will be able to prescribe a medication that will help you to feel better!

beckybooboo profile image


Im still waiting for a definitive diagnosis after 2 years, taken hydroxy, pain meds and now on methotrixate and I suffer terribly with sweats - its so true what everyone says I check my temperature cos I feel so sweaty but nothing, sometimes it drips down me but its always my head and upper torso and not any where else!!! my hair is just sodden and makes me feel really dirty and sweaty - nasty!!!

Good luck everyone - this is sooooo frustrating and is all part of a very complex illness which leaves you not only feeling very unwell but really messes with your head too, makes me feel very sad xxx

Newbee profile image

This is really interesting - I just thought that I couldn't get the right tog duvet. Usually find I've flung an arm out of bed as a temperature coolant which seems to work but then I have a frozen arm and a sweaty body. Have found I have to wash my hair daily, due to the night sweats, which clearly aggravates the hair loss thing, but what else can I do? So hard, as at work they have been told I have Raynauds, but don't seem to understand that I cannot regulate my own thermometer, and that when I get cold to the bone I can't do anything to raise my temp by myself. Really annoys me, as at night it's the opposite. Yup, loopy body. Not alone, sorry it's not more. Cotton PJ top, absorbing... less dramatic on the sheets. Hope some is helpful.

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