Hey all you ladies. I have been having problems with periods being all over the place, late and hormones in a right state! Does anyone else have this? Feel like I'm going through the menopause and I'm only 37! Having hot sweats which I thought was a lupus symptom but not sure if its hormonal. Can lupus effect your periods like this?
For the ladies, problems with periods and hormones. - LUPUS UK
For the ladies, problems with periods and hormones.

Joanne sorry to hear your going through a rough time. I can answer you with an emphatic yes, Lupus can play a part in disruption of menstrual cycles. I also suffer with hot flushes, and as I am in my 50's my GP thought menopause, so had my hormone levels checked, they came back normal, in fact he said to me, you have the levels of a 17 year old, for some reason that did not make me feel better at all!
Whilst Lupus will play a part in menstrual cycles and associated symptoms, it is usually medications that are the main cause, for me two meds stand out, Plaquenil and Cellcept, if your on either of those, they could be the contributing factor.
My wife suffered the same problems, but she's been fitted with a contraceptive coil & she's been ok !
hi as karen said earlier its the plaquinel, i came off it for 6 months and was sweat but sadly back on it again and none stop sweating ,my periods were like urs so i saw a gyny and he recommend i go back on the depo (pill injection) every 3 months and that has helped a lot , no pain, no periods im 44 , and was told i was going through my change 12 years ago but it wasnt i now know its lupus hope ive helped x
Thank you everyone, brilliant to know its not just me! Must be the plaquinal or the lupus! It's so horrible, feel like I'm due the whole time and feel so pre-menstrual! Like routine so I know where I am
Will see the gp about contraception or something to help.
Jo x
It has long been postulated that lupus has a hormonal element to it as the vast majority of sufferers are female.
I am on mycophenelate and since taking it have suffered terrible sweats. There was a short break from it and when I wasnt taking it I didnt get the sweats.
Maybe, the treatments target something hormonal, which in turn either gives rise to sweating as a side effect or brings forward the menopause???
I am 56 young at heart and had an hysterectomy at 34 I had had my children so was the bet thing I did. When the sweats started maybe 15yrs ago I was told it was the menopause but I still get them and I don't believe it to be just the menopause I think maybe like other people it is the drugs. Drives me mad I can't sleep nothing unusual with lupus people, I only go 10/15 mins before the palpitations start, I feel sick and then sweat. Will we ever now the answer to these questions. I hope the answers have helped you. Wishing you luck. X
Thank you.
Pretty sure all lupus started for me when the gyni problems started. Very odd. Sure it's related to hormones. Have read that after the menopause sometimes the symptoms can ease up, here's hoping!
Hi, 4 years ago when I was 40 my periods were all over the place, never knew when it would come, sometimes just a week apart. Went to dr and started on a contraceptive pill which regulated things. However a year later I had a stroke and came off it. Then I started hot flushes, low libido and a blood test showed I was going through the menopause. The mycophenalate never caused any problems for me and have been on it now for 7 years and I am not on plaquenel. In answer to your question go to your Gp and ask for a blood test to see if you are perimeopausal. It is early but not unheard of and if anyone knows what will help night sweats please let me know. Otherwise my lupus is well controlled and settled.
Hello there, when I was 32 I went to hell and back with my periods and joint pains. The doctor checked my hormone levels and they were almost none existant. Put me on HRT which gave me high blood pressure and eventually I had a Mirana coil fitted and never looked back. My periods stopped altogether and I felt much stronger. 2 years ago after treatment for pre cancerous cells on my cervix they had to take out the coil, I've not had a period since and I'm now 54. Go and see your GP and discuss the options. All the best and take care xxxx
I use the Depo-injection so my periods are one less thing to worry about
Hi I was fitted with the merina coil back in 2007 and have not had a period since, oh what heaven. It was uncomfortable to have fitted but that is due to my physical disabilites and laying on the couch with my feet in styrups more than anything but I have had absolutely no problems at all since then. I have many friends starting to get hot flushes and headaches along with other pleasantries that go with the escalating years of womanhood but I don't have anything. It gets changed every five years when the progesterone runs low but that small amount of discomfort is worth it for all the benefits I get from it. I would strongly recommend you look into finding out if it would be available to you, if it does not work for you it can always be removed.
Good luck whatever you try
Madmagz x
Thank you. Had a normal coil years ago so might consider that. Gotta be better than this.
Jo x
my body has changed in the last 2 years, my periods have always been every 26 days and now I never know when theyre due. ive had a blood test to test hormone levels which came back normal so nurse said it may be lupus causing it and horrendous sweating and burning up feeling. im not on any contraceptive as hubby had snip years ago.
I feel reassured that its not just me who feels like this, ive no one I can talk to about "ladies things" x