I am very sensative to drugs and my Rheumy has given me these to try like to know if anyone else has had a good response with them
Has anyone been prescribed pregabalin(lyica) for ... - LUPUS UK
Has anyone been prescribed pregabalin(lyica) for pain?

Hello there - I was on Gabapentin for years for the neuropathic chronic pain I suffer in my chest along with pins and needles/numbness etc on a high dose but my Pain Consultant advised me to reduce and change drugs as it wasnt making the slightest difference. I was put on the wonder drug Pregablin which is very very expensive, hence why you usually get fobbed off with Gabapentin and the difference has been pretty good I have to say - it is much more effective - taking a lower dose and feeling better with it.....everyone is different however but I have to say in my experience it works!
I have SLE lupus and have joint pain, I take pregablin- a relatively low dose at night one 25mg- and it has been a god send, prior to this I was eatling paracetmol like they were going out of fashion. The pain is still there but I can get on with my life. Give it a whirl and see how you go.
Hi there,
I suffer from SLE and Fibromyalgia.
I take 50mg of Pregabalin per day alongside all my other drugs. My Rheumatologist gave them to me to help with my fatigue as well as the pain and I believe that they do help.
My advice to you is to try them and see how you feel once you are on them and if they don't agree with you go back to your Rheumatologist and try something else.
Cate xx
thanks it is all helpful I have been started on 25mg then 50 mg then 75mg I am very sensitive to drugs so my Rheumy is being careful
I have PAN and Spinal Stenosis. I was put on Pregabalin (100mg) a year ago. I am now on 375mg a day and, yes, it is making a difference. I still have to take Morphine and other pain killers at times, but those 'times' have reduced.
I hope it works for you too !
I have taken both these meds for my epilepsy and now you've got me wondering if since my meds have been changed my pain in joints has got so much worse, maybe those meds where helping????????
Thanks for all advice have had some strange side effects on low dose dizzy sick, swollen sore throat, headache and increase in pain in feet. I have put on 5 pounds in 6 days, belly very bloated and very thirsty. Thinking I am better without and handling the pain. I am so fed with drug side effects just seem to be very sensitive to chemicals in my body.
I'm sorry to hear you had such awful side effects. I've been on pregabalin (Lyrica) for several years and I love it. By the sounds of things I'm on a much higher dose though than some other people - 200mg twice a day. It's good for the background general pain rather than sudden stabbing pains but that helps me get through the day at work. Apparently it is around £80 for 84 pills which is why they don't like prescribing it too much....