Hi all, my story so far. I have been experiencing what my doctor suspects is Raynaud's. Deathly white fingers and toes. Along with this I am suffering with joint, muscle and bone pain, pretty much all over my body. I had a burning pain in my hips and was prescribed Reliflex, which didn't really help. I then tried Prednisolone, which helped with the hips for a while, didn't really help with anything else though. I was signed off sick for 3 weeks ( I work in retail and the whole place is a fridge as well as the job itself being physically demanding!) Work has been very supportive. I went back on Tuesday and managed 3 hours before being sent home, because I was struggling so much. I have a Rheumatology appointment on 26th May. I went back to my doctor today and have been signed off until after this appointment, so as not to do any further damage. For the pain I am currently taking ibuprofen, paracetamol and using a tens machine, they are helping slightly, but I'm still in a lot of pain, very often waking me up at night and even simple tasks around the house are causing me problems. My doctor has prescribed amitriptyline 10mg to be taken at night until my appointment. Has anyone tried these? Will they mask any symptoms or effect any blood tests that may be done at my appointment?