Hi everyone, well I had my Ebus done yesterday, but unfortunately the scope just wouldn't reach the mass, although I knew it was 50/50 chance I'm so upset and dissapointed. I feel my only option now is to re live the nightmare needle ct but my anxiety is sooo bad at the thoughts of it.We are two months in now and still nit had clarification of type of cancer. 🥲🥲
Ebus failure: Hi everyone, well I had... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Ebus failure

Hello Minidini1964
I am so sorry to hear about your failed ebus. This will be a very difficult time for you and I can understand your concerns after your previous experience. A future experience of needle CT might be totally different from your last unpleasant experience so try to keep on top of your anxiety. It might be helpful to discuss your previous experience with the team prior to undergoing this, that way they can understand your fears, talk you through it step by step and offer you targeted support during this. There may even be other options for example a mild sedative, or different approach. The following links might be helpful
anxietyuk.org.uk 08444 775 774
Wishing you all the best for this procedure and if there is anything else you would like to discuss you can email ask the nurse at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org or why not call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600. One of nurses can talk things through with you.
The Roy Castle Support Team
I had the same... Went through CT guided biopsy. Not great, but tolerable. I wish you well❤️
I had my last one in November but they didn't get enough tissue for all the testing, only told its cancer but nit what type. I had such a terrible time and coughed up so much blood afterwards I had to stay in was very scarey, but I've no choice but to go thru it again on Mon 18th. I'm getting so diazipan from the doc see if that helps.
Good luck! Diazepam will sort the anxiety, I hope you get the full results this time!