EBUS procedure done today found it uncomfortable but bearable …. Just glad it’s done , thanks for all the replies to my post about it ….. I must admit sedated or not I knew exactly what was going on … I’m such a nosy un couldn’t miss a trick 😂
EBUS done : EBUS procedure done today... - The Roy Castle Lu...
EBUS done

Glad its gone and you was okay with it. I felt the same, but tried to keep my eyes averted.
I saw my surgeon today and surgery is on 10th October. Will be opened up as its a big tumour. Surgeon was honest and open about it all, but confident removing the top lobe will get rid, though might take middle lobe if its spread there.
All the best for your diagnosis and results.
Ian that’s both amazing and scary at the same time for you I imagine but I’m wishing you the very best of luck going forward with it all love x
Best of luck, Ianhick - that's your right lung then which has 3 lobes as the left lung has 2. the right lung is slightly bigger than the left. I had upper left lobectomy through open surgery (thoracotomy) in Dec 2010 as keyhole (VATS/minimally invasive) wasn't around then. I was back at work and swimming by end march 2011. this information may help with any questions/milestones etc.
Glad it went well. fingers crossed for the next step in the pathway.... good luck.
thanks Janette ….at least I’ll know what I’m dealing with then hopefully x
Great to hear mishamilo53 , hope you're doing something nice to reward yourself for dealing with it all so well ❤️
not sure yet ! Any recommendations? X