I have just finished 20 fractions of radiotherapy and am now struggling with the heartburn like side effects. Was wondering what are the best medicines or alternatives to help alleviate these effects. At the moment i am really struggling to eat and drink. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
post radiotherapy treatment - The Roy Castle Lu...
post radiotherapy treatment
What area was your radiation? Have you tried taking a Tums 30 minutes before eating? That is what my Palliative Care doctor suggested and it worked.
Hi Arthur, I had similar issues and couldn't even drink as any sip was so painful. My oncologist did prescribe 4 days small dose of steroids dexamethasone with omeprazole for 4 days and it made such a difference. I wasn't keen in taking more meds but in that case that enabled me to eat and drink and I have no late side effects on that area. Good luck Chanie
Dear Arthurpops
Sorry to hear you have heartburn from your radiotherapy, which can be quite uncomfortable and usually does pass after 2-4 weeks.
Your GP or pharmacist will be able to advise and prescribe what would help your symptoms or you could ask your lung cancer nurse specialist.
This link will take you to our radiotherapy booklet and on page 21 provides some advice to ease the side effects of radiotherapy: roycastle.org/app/uploads/2...
You may find ice cream will help and a soft, non spicy diet, eating small snacks frequently. Some people find milk shakes soothing.
Hope you feel better soon and if you would like to discuss anything you can email ask the nurse at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Mon - Thurs 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600
Kind regards
The Roy Castle Support team