Iv been called for a mammogram but have Ct scans every three months Is it too much radiation
Has anybody had both
Iv been called for a mammogram but have Ct scans every three months Is it too much radiation
Has anybody had both
HI Rusty821 We are having this conversation with my husband's oncologist at the moment. He's a year out from diagnosis and has PET/CT scans every 9 weeks. My husband doesn't have to consider any mammograms of course, but he's getting a lot of radiation! We are at the point of how do we balance more scans, finding any issues as soon as we can and getting them treated, with too much radiation and the risks that poses.
However, if you google "how much radiation from a mammogram" - it seems they give a relatively low dose, certainly compared to the PET scans. Why don't you talk to your oncologist?
Best wishes, Sarah x
Different types of imaging use different radiation doses and they're also used for different purposes. I've had several mammograms since my lung cancer diagnosis and occasional CT after my initial CXR, CT and PET prior to surgery to remove half my left lung and lung adenocarcinoma tumour in Dec 2010. Although the mammogram leaflets advise against too many investigations and leave it to the patient to decide, overall my view was if I'd had one type of cancer, I wanted to check out that I didn't have the other and mammogram has been proved safe for millions of women over time... the time interval for mammograms has been put at the safest way of screening eligible populations without undue harm. CT is a different type of radiation and why the current targeted lung health checks are using low dose CT rather than diagnostic CTs which carry higher radiation dose. I agree - discuss with your consultant - and check what type of CTs you have every 3 months i.e. whether it's a lower dose than a standard diagnostic CT.... good luck.
Hi Rusty821
Your oncologist would not expose you to too much radiation for investigations and if they were concerned they would certainly present options to you.
As all your replies have correctly advised, do discuss with your oncologist.
Hope all goes well for you.
You can email ask the nurse at lungcancerhelp@roycastle.org or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200 Monday to Thursday 0900-1700 and Friday 0900-1600
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The Roy Castle Support Team