Chest xray results. Now going for 2ww... - The Roy Castle Lu...

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Chest xray results. Now going for 2ww CT scan.

grayson99 profile image
10 Replies

I was ill in hospita with bust appendix. After opening the discovered abnormality in my lung. They stated this was ossible complication of appendix infection.I have now had results back from second xray and they have found something in lower left lung.

I am also anemic 118 level

I have been booked in for 2 week wait CT scan.

To say I'm worried is an understatement.

My question. If it's not cancer what else could it be?

I'm 54 and don't have any lung symptoms. Although I had a very bad bout of covid 8 months ago.

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10 Replies
RoyCastleHelpline profile image
RoyCastleHelplinePartnerAsk the NurseRoy Castle

grayson99 this must indeed be a worrying time for you and your loved ones. As you said there are many reasons that "something" may be seen on chest x-ray and complications from infection or covid could explain the findings . The CT scan should provide a more definitive diagnosis and / or indicate if any further investigations are required. Roy Castle Lung Foundation can provide further information or support by calling 0333 323 7200(option2) or by visiting our website

JanetteR57 profile image

it's natural to feel anxious especially when we're told we're on a 2WW cancer investigation pathway - but take a breath, the majority of people who are investigated under that rapid access pathway are found not to have anything serious - investigations are just that - as much to rule things out as in and determine what is causing any symptoms or imaging discrepancies.

Many things cause 'anomalies' (as mine was described) on a chest x-ray including inflammation, infection, scarring from pneumonia, TB or other infections including COVID so hang on in there.... whether you worry yourself sick or get on with your life until the CT scan, it won't change what's going on except likely create more symptoms impacting sleep, eating and mood and not in a good way. what will be, will be.

A CT scan will show much more detail and enable radiologists to report to the clinician what's going on so that a way forward can be recommended... in the meantime, try and distract your thoughts and get on with other things if you can.... good luck.

grayson99 profile image
grayson99 in reply to JanetteR57

My ct scan is today. Any idea when I will get results?

JanetteR57 profile image

Ask them - it varies across the country. if the CT is one of a number of tests, it's usual for the MDT to discuss a case if there are any findings then allocate a clinician to give those results to the patient in one go. good luck.

grayson99 profile image

Very low today. Keep thinking about if results are bad and how I will cope. I'm trying to think of positive outcomes but the negative thoughts keep coming back. I have no symptoms but every body tinge or pain I have I'm thinking is that the cancer. It doesn't help that my mother inlaw has cancer and she is coming home Monday as it has spread and there is nothing more they can. I'm even thinking if hypnosis can wipe my memory until I get the results. Sorry for the negative post but I feel low today . I felt quite positive yesterday.

sassassas profile image
sassassas in reply to grayson99

HI grayson99 ,

I'm sorry to read what you are going through. I think everyone on this forum understands how awful this period is whilst you wait for further results. As others have already said, whatever the x-ray has shown could be many things that aren't cancer. I know that doesn't stop the worry!

My husband was diagnosed (similar age to you) in 2021 with stage 4 NSCLC. His treatment has been brilliant and he lives a very active, full and healthy live - he works full time and does a lot of exercise, and you'd not know he has cancer now.

One thing we have found that helps is to remember that whatever the tests show (cancer or something else), you'll then quickly get a treatment plan. There are many really good treatments now for lung cancer, many only available in the last five years or so, that are revolutionising treatment.

Please let us know how you get on. Hopefully, all will be fine. There will be a lot of support here if you need it (and you may find it helpful to phone the Roy Castle helpline for a chat, or the Macmillan team who have an excellent support team too).

grayson99 profile image
grayson99 in reply to sassassas

Sorry to hear about your husband, although Iam so pleased he's doing well. What symptoms was he getting before it was detected? I was in hospital for something totally unrelated. I am thinking if my appendix hadn't burst it would not have been noticed.

sassassas profile image
sassassas in reply to grayson99

So true... if it is cancer, finding it before you develop symptoms is obviously a good thing.

My husband had pain in his hip (the cancer had spread to his bones) which he thought was a sport injury and he was going to have a steroid injection. Fortunately the doctor wanted to do a scan just to check. He also developed a cough in the months whilst we were getting all the tests done, and later breathlessness, and that was a symptom of the cancer in his lungs. I think it would have delayed diagnosis for many months without this because as a youngish, fit, non-smoker, no-one would have thought to check for cancer.

Sarah x

grayson99 profile image

A worrying update. Been climbing walls waiting for my ct scan results. Rang my gp reception and still no results. Rang the radiology of hospital and they put me through to oncology. I nearly fainted. Oncology receptionist said report was completed and sent to my GP on 4th. 2 days after my scan. I Rang GP and again they said no results. I called hospital again and they put me through to tracking department. Tracking said GP definitely has my results and I need to tell them to look on ICE system. Informed receptionist at my GP and low and behold they have results. They can't tell me though until I've made an appointment with GP and I need to call in the morning. I feel sick to my stomach with worry at the minute. Why would my report and been done so quick. Also why has it been sent to Oncology? It can't be good news or surely the receptionist would have told me everything's fine.

grayson99 profile image

Got my scan results. It's a Benign 5mm nodule. Hospital are sending me letter. But they aren't concerned it will be a case of regular scans to monitor it. Thanks everyone for all your help x

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