Now I am to have Docetaxel and Ninedanib
Has anybody any stories to tell of this combination?
Now I am to have Docetaxel and Ninedanib
Has anybody any stories to tell of this combination?
Dear Mundy
Hope you hear from those on the forum that can provide some experience with this. As you probably know this is a combination of chemotherapy and targeted therapies.
This link will take you to information on this combination treatment from Macmillan support:
If you would like to discuss anything you can either email us at or call our free phone nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200
Hope it all goes well for you.
Kind regards
The Roy Castle Support Team
I had one cycle and a week or or so of the tablets but the oncologist thought it had caused a bronchofistula. So it was stopped after that one session. Lost a lot of hair though!Hope it works for you x