Hi, my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer in February. I believe it's small cell, she has a large tumour in her right lung and smaller tumours in her lungs too. Initially she was having Chemotherapy. She had one session then got an infection and had a fall. She has been too weak for treatment since. She has had two further infections thos week, the second nearly taking her. She is hopefully coming out of hospital tomorrow. Along with my sister we are doing all we can to help her, she lives with my dad who is unfortunately not domesticated at all and struggling badly. Emotionally I'm starting to find it very difficult. It's a roller coaster ride at the moment. I live with my husband and 3 year old grandson. My husband is very supportive. It's just good to be part of a group who understands what I'm going through.
A little hello: Hi, my mum was... - The Roy Castle Lu...
A little hello

Hi Maria
At a time like this we need all the support we can get and this forum certainly helps. My tumour is in the right lung too. I was diagnosed over a year ago and since then, like you say, it has been a roller coaster both for me and my partner.
All I can say is try to keep positive and upbeat for your mum - cry in private! Shirlbird
Thanks so much for your reply. I'm sorry about your diagnosis and hope you are still able to enjoy life. I recently lost a friend to cancer who told me about people getting upset in front of her and how awful that was for her. So thanks for that tip. My upset time is with my little family. I hope to speak to you again and share your journey.

Dear Maria
I am so sorry to hear of your mum’s diagnosis. This is indeed a very stressful time for you and all your family. As you said your mum is being discharged from hospital today. She should have had a community care assessment carried out prior to discharge and any help that is required will hopefully be put in place.
I am not sure if she has been referred to the palliative care team but from your email it would suggest she and your dad will need ongoing support at home. There is a lot of help available in the community and any concerns you or your dad have should be discussed with her GP.
There is help and support available both from others in this forum and from lung cancer specialists. Some useful information is available from:
It’s often difficult when a patient is discharged at the week -end but if you have any concerns over the week end you could contact the district nurses in your area for advice. If you would like to speak to one of our helpline nurses please don’t hesitate to phone.
Freephone 0800 358 7200(option 2). We are available Monday-Thursday 9.00am-5.00pm. Friday 9.00am-4.00pm.
With kind regards,
All the team at the RoyCastle Helpline.
Email.lungcancerhelp@roy castle.org
Thanks so much for your reply. Mum has carers in place, we were just starting to have 4 calls a day. The Macmillan nurse at the hospital has put the carers and district nurse back in place for us. There are still some things on unsure about. I think my fears is while the carers arent there l, in case something happens. My sister has mainly been dealing with things, long story, but I feel as though there are things I haven't been told. Thank you for the help details. I shall definately take a look