Mum passed away Wednesday after finishing 6 weeks radiotherapy week before to get rid of shock at the moment this was not her plan she wasn't ready to thinks the tumour grew into her main blood vessel.can this happen?should the radiotherapy have stopped it growing?So many queations all I know is this is not fair
Mum's gone: Mum passed away Wednesday... - The Roy Castle Lu...
Mum's gone

i’m so sorry. sending hugs xxx
I’m so deeply sorry for your loss! Cancer sucks & never follows the given plan! I lost my beautiful mum last year & still haven’t come to terms with what happened to her or loosing her! All I can say is remember all the wonderful memories & lock them in your heart your mum will always be with you in her own way. Sending you a much felt hug at this terrible time in your life. xxx
I’m so sorry for your loss, sending you love and hugs. Xxx
Just feel so empty with a big gaping hole that aches constantly...constant lump in my throat.. the pain in my kids faces is too young to be without her..she was not ready to go.....
So so sorry xxxxxx
I am so sorry for your loss it's very sad and hard for you and your family to deal with my husbsnd died 3 weeks ago from lung cancer with brain mets .I won't say time is a great healer and it gets easier .but I will say it will get more bearable and the tears will come everyday but not all the time .I hope they find the answers your looking for the what to at least put your mind at rest xx
So sorry. RIP.
My you be comforted by the precious memories you hold.
Love and God bless

So very sorry for your loss and how quick it happened for you all. Tumour growth is dependent on a good blood supply and sends out signals to form blood vessels, the link below from cancer research UK explains this if you wish to look at it: You could perhaps discuss this with your GP or Specialist.
Ensure you have plenty practical and emotional support in this very difficult time. I have placed a few helplines you may find useful:
Cruse Bereavement Care (0808 808 1677)
Macmillan Support 0808 808 00 00
If you wish to discuss anything you can call us on our free nurse led helpline number on 0800 358 7200
Warm regards and our condolences
The Roy Castle Support Team
I feel your pain my mother passed on Saturday night very suddenly with lung cancer and brain mets she didn’t follow the course we expected. She was sat up eating and drinking as normal on Wednesday night and then became agitated through the night and eventually went to sleep late on Saturday. 4 months from start to finish is just too quick. To say I’m broken is an understatement!!!

Broken for you hun..the 6 weeks radiotherapy was ment to get rid of it...she had done a online food shop the night before...wrote a list of meals for the week cos her appetite had picked for my sister who still lives home to go down stairs cos I phoned to wake her to say I can't get a reply from to find her too much to cope with..the shopping came that day she had got my 30year old sister a advent calender..😭
Bless you that is heartbreaking 😪 she didn’t suffer and go through the humiliating end that some have to go through where they stop eating and drinking and go into a coma state which is what we were expecting. It will never be easy and I think we are all in denial and hope for a miracle. Take care xxx
So sorry to read your news - you must be devastated…. as long as she lives on in your memory and heart, she will always be with you…. take care. thinking of you at this very sad time...
My heart breaks for you, the sudden loss is excruciating - Sending you so much love xxxx
I just wanted to say I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my mum to lung cancer too this year on October 15th. Although she was diagnosed a year ago her death was very sudden and unexpected. I’ve also struggled to get my head around why this happened to my mum and why the treatment didn’t stop the cancer or slow it down.
I can’t tell you that it gets easier - I miss my mum every single day and I still have a cry most days but for me there is some comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering or in any pain. I am starting to get back to a new “normal”.
I know it maybe doesn’t feel like it now but you will get through this. Just take each day as it comes, cry when you need to!
I hope you manage to get the answers to your questions about the cancer growing too!
Take care X
My deepest empathy to you and the family; i know how you feel; just lost my partner. xxx
So sorry..the hurt is awful...dont think it will ever go away..just have to learn to live with it I hard watching my children hurt and there is nothing I can do.x
I am so sorry. I lost the love of my life from lung cancer. I hate cancer. Our countries need to get together & fight this War!! Take care my darling ♥️
id like to know how much research is going into lung cancer/ treatments; i feel its not as much as other cancers/ and also no screening at all/ the NHS should give people PET scans; in the long run this would save money and save more lives; its a miracle to even get referred anywhere these days.
Once we have had the funeral I need a appointment with mum's consultant because there are a few questions I want answerd there was a 3 month gap where they kept changing her treatment we were never warned that this could happen i.e the Tumor growing into a main artery...surely 6 weeks of radiotherapy should have stopped or slowed down it growing...i know it will not change the outcome but just need to know .xx