My brother, 39, was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with mets to brain in Nov. he has had radiotherapy and 2 cycles of chemo but had to stop due to pneumonia. In the last 2 weeks, he has lost an awful amount of weight, barely eats/drinks and is unable to get out of bed most of the day. Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated
Stage 4 nsclc, pneumonia advice please - The Roy Castle Lu...
Stage 4 nsclc, pneumonia advice please
Hi there.
The only thing I can suggest right now, is for you to get in contact with the cancer nurse specialist, who should be able to give you the best advice on where to go from here. Sorry I can't be of more help, but you do need expert advice.
Best wishes, Bill
Thank you
Hi Mac, Bill is right that you need expert advice, perhaps your brother can be given some help to build up his strength. Try to stay positive around him and support him as much as you can.
Thank you! My brother has been given increased steroids and we are back with the consultant tomorrow, hoping for something positive to focus on
Mactyler what did the consultant say? I, like u are in a similar situation with my mum
Hi there, pneumonia has now become an inflammation?? So we are starting chemo again on thurs! My brother will have injection in his stomach (sooty can't remember the name of the drug) to help boost his immune system 3 days after chemo. No change in MRI regarding the brain tumors so trying to remain positive!! Sorry to hear about your mum, has she been referred to the Macmillan nurses??