My first post!
I was first diagnosed last year February with stage 3B. Not fun. But after 30 radiation treatments and 8 chemo sessions it had shrunk to the point where the docs were satisfied that it was probably dead and we could proceed into an "scan, wait and see " mode.
I tolerated chemo and radiation very well that first time around. However afterwards, I got hit with a severe case of pneumonitis that required 3 treatment rounds of steroids to kick. That was tougher than the cancer treatment.
Just when I thought I was out of the woods along comes multiple bouts of pneumonia requiring several rounds of antibiotics and more than one trip to the emergency room.
Here I am now on Thanksgiving on a break from chemo and building up my strength for a cryoablation procedure. Yes, the cancer started growing again.
The break is of necessity. It's either that or a blood transfusion. I have not tolerated the chemo very well this time around. In fact, I'm now using a walker to give me stability as I easily get dizzy from weakness. The walker and the shower chair were something I struggled to accept. Vanity is one of those things that'll get in the way of progress if you let it. I'm proud of myself now how I openly show off my little bald head and go for the assistance equipment whenever needed.
I'm digging deep, staying as positive as I can and finding a reason to feel blessed every day. I'm surrounded by loving friends, neighbors, family and a tireless spouse who constantly reminds me of my strength and works himself to the bone to keep this household and his job going. My children and grandchildren are a constant reminder of why I am so proud of each of them. I am blessed. My daily prayers are for strength and grace and blessings for all.
Although Turkey day is a little different this year, it's wonderful to be alive. My 20 year old grandson will be our only guest. Everyone else is sick with one ailment or the other. He'll be leaving work 2 hours away and rushing over to cook grandma his famous rib-eye roast with all the fix-ins. How could I not keep fighting if only just to spend more days with him and everyone else I love?
May you all find the strength to keep on keeping it on. Don't ever underestimate yourself and the power that love can provide.
Happy Thanksgiving.