I’ve been sitting here staring at the blinking cursor and I’ve no idea for how long. Words don’t usually fail me but this weeks loss is devastating. You knew her here as Anita Figueras or SciFiKnitter. She was a blogger on this board when it was managed by Free to Breathe. If you have EGFR+ adenocarcinoma you may know her as one of the founding members of the EGFR Resisters. She was part of the driving force that put the EGFR Resisters into a partnership with the (then) Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.
Anita was a fierce advocate who fought for the benefit of many. She travelled across the country as a patient advocate, speaking to groups of researchers.
She was also my friend. We had corresponded for a while before we first met in person a Lungevity Hope Summit in 2015. The Lung Research Foundation interviewed us both for a publication and invited us to attend its release at the Lung Cancer Leadership Conference in Atlanta in 2018. We got to be roommates and we had a wonderful time together.
This picture is from the first Rally for Breath in November 2017. We went to DC to educate our lawmakers and demand parity in lung cancer research funding.