Response to my letter about male from ... - Lung Cancer Support

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Response to my letter about male from another site following a lot of us

Ncpoet profile image
10 Replies

Judy Hench

Subject: Being followed from someone not on our site

JAN 21, 2019 | 03:18PM GMT

Hi Judy,

Thanks so much for getting in touch.

The support team has been discussing this case and monitoring this users activity closely and have now decided to ban them. In following a large number of female users and non-applicable communities this user has caused distress to others which goes against the terms of the platform.

Thanks so much for your continued support,

Best wishes



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10 Replies

I kinda feel bad that they had to ban him, but he had absolutely no reason to follow any of us.

Ncpoet profile image
Ncpoet in reply to Feelingblessed2013

He was probably a scammer like those on Words with Friends. They fish for information and try to earn sympathy so they soon start asking for money for their children, be they existent or nonexistent. Lots of women get taken in. I found they have the same story, widowed with children and work in oil industry. When I get almost identical bios, I stop playing the game with them and don’t give them personal info. This man does not have lung cancer and not a part of our community. He was on men’s health site and was following over 200 women within hours of signing up for that community. Obviously he was not on for his health, otherwise why was he following that many women who were not part of his community? He was looking for information and that is why I was glad he was banned. After seeing this on other apps, I am not as trusting and not sorry he was banned.

anrean profile image
anrean in reply to Ncpoet

Never, ever give out any information, especially your name. It is amazing what someone can do with just a name. And more amazing is how many details we share without even realizing it.

Don't know if he was one of those creeps who grooms and then asks for money or is more nefarious, just know I asked him to unfollow me and he did not do so. We are supposed to, according to the Terms of Service, have a safe place to talk about ourselves and each other. Thankfully HU took the necessary action to protect quite a lot of people!!

Feelingblessed2013 profile image
Feelingblessed2013 in reply to Ncpoet

I didn't say I was sorry, just said "I kinda feel bad for him" (that is if he really does have back problems). But I tend to feel bad for anyone who's having a rough time. I also said "he had absolutely no reason to follow any of us". So he brought it on himself.

I also know there are a lot of scams and scammers out there, so we need to be cautious and vigilant at all times.

Ncpoet profile image
Ncpoet in reply to Feelingblessed2013

Katherine, I am sorry if anything I said made you feel bad . You are obviously a very caring person and because you are, you are what this community needs. I was just explaining why I wanted him blocked. He just hit a nerve and made me feel very uncomfortable. I was just sharing how some scammers can play on your sympathies and was giving an example of what I dealt with trying to play a word game.

Feelingblessed2013 profile image
Feelingblessed2013 in reply to Ncpoet

You did not make me feel bad. I said anything to give you that impression or make you feel bad in any way, I apologize, it was not intentional. I also understand how it feels to have someone try to scam you.

I don't know if he was trying to scam anyone, his bio does sound like something you would post on a dating site, but he was creepy.

anrean profile image
anrean in reply to Feelingblessed2013

Katherine, please don't feel badly. His profile was sympathy-gathering and most likely not accurate. Joining and immediately following over 240 women in different groups is very concerning. If he had lung cancer or one of the other illnesses I might be on the opposite side of the fence, same as if he chose to follow both men and women. While we will never know what he was really up to, his behavior made a lot of us feel unsafe. I am just glad we caught him early so that hopefully he did not have time to do anything harmful. Please read Ncpoet's post and my response below. Maybe that will help you understand why he had to be banned.

Feelingblessed2013 profile image
Feelingblessed2013 in reply to anrean

His profile read like he thought he was on a dating site, and he was fishing for a wife or girlfriend. I am glad he got kicked off the site, but like I said to Ncpoet, I tend to feel bad for anyone who's having a rough time, or makes bad decisions. But at the same time I believe in the old saying "you made your bed, now you have to sleep in it".

JeanE41 profile image

Thank you for posting the reply to our concerns. I, too, received the same response and feel better knowing he is being monitored. We should feel safe here. After all we are sharing information and concerns, not to gain sympathy, but rather for support and knowledge. We have an expectation of confidentiality. Many of us who join this forum are scared and need support and knowledge to deal with a difficult disease.


Feelingblessed2013 profile image
Feelingblessed2013 in reply to JeanE41

He was being monitored, he has since been banned.

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