Just started carboplatin and Pemetrexed after Keytruda failed me. Anyone familiar with Pemetrexed? I have had the cargo before.
Pemetrexed: Just started carboplatin and... - Lung Cancer Support

Had 6 courses of Carbo/Pemetrexed then Pemetrexed maintenance for almost 6 yrs. I was infused every 4 wks instead of 3 once we knew it was working. This gave me better QOL as I was still working full time and it allowed better recovery between infusions. I got B12 shots every 8 wks and was on folic acid daily. I started out with the decadron but stopped taking it after about 2yrs - hated the side effects & I wasn't having problems with the rash it's supposed to prevent. Worst side effect was fatigue for me. Had a bit of nausea, some diarrhea & constipation but manageable. All in all, I found it tolerable, especially compared to Tarceva which I had been on just prior - that one was pretty bad for me. Alimta (Pemetrexed) kept my cancer stable but after so many years with no more shrinkage, I wanted to be a little more aggressive, so had another biopsy to look for mutations & ended up with cMET so have been on Xalkori ever since.
Best wishes for a long & strong response, Marj
Wow, great info Marj! I've just had the one infusion with the B-12 shot. I feel great now, am also taking folic acid. I can only hope it works as well for me.
My experience with pemetrexed similar to Marj. Fatigue is a word that just doesn't fully cover the experience of "fatigue." I only took decadron the 3 days surrounding chemo, though...it's a wonder drug but also a terrible Catch22. B-12 shots and folic acid, and allow yourself to nap and sleep. Exercise (a nice walk or yoga if not more) helps withmy fatigue though it seems counter-intuitive. Best wishes to you!
I started w/ 4 rounds of Carbo/Alimta and will have my 3rd Alimta only maintenance infusion on Tuesday. Worst side effects for me have been terrible taste in my mouth, stomach upset, nausea and subsequent constipation due to anti nausea meds. Scan in 2 weeks to see if it is still working. So far metastasis in lymph nodes and pleural disease has totally resolved and primary tumor has shrunk. Hoping for continued good news. Best wishes to you.
Thanks Peg, more positive info!
I'm kind of the opposite -- I started my Chemo with Carbo and Pemetrexed, and eventually went to Pemetrexed only (as Maintenance). I then had progression and was switched to Opdivo, and have been on it ever since with good results (Currently stable and my Lung Tumor is my smaller)!! YAY!!
I did not have too many issues with that combo -- I felt pretty good most of the time, had a few days (day 3 and 4 after chemo) where I felt very wiped out, and also had some nausea, but Zofran helped with that! I had hair thinning, but never lost it all!
Hope it works very well for you!! Good Luck!
my husband had permetrexed and carboplatin with good results with shrinkage to his cancer last treatment october,chest xray on monday shown no changes in size since last xray in january,c.t scan booked for may ,to see whats what my husband is stage four and doing really well,he has also gained weight so onward and upwards ,hope all goes well for you and you get the same good results my husband got from this chemo stay strong xx
Not feeling great on this new treatment. More fatigue and extreme shortness of breath. Sleeping a lot. Scans set for mid April.
Brigid, I am so sorry to hear that this is another struggle. Try to be patient (ha ha, easy for me to say) with your body, it is doing its best to keep up with all of this - TLC is in order. Mid April? Almost here. Wow. Please let us know. Holding you close in my thoughts.