Hi, I am sorry I haven’t been back for awhile. I was diagnosed early December with a nodule in my upper right lung. My team told me that the surgery to remove would be early Jan. We have a trip to see my grandchildren and a cruise that we already planned for with a group of friends the first week in March. We will be gone from 2/27-3/12. They told me not to cancel that I should be ok and it would be good to continue recovery. Well, Murphy’s Law happened and I have not yet had surgery because the surgeons group is no longer affiliated with the hospital. Apparently hospital politics had something to do with it. ..........so they sent me to a new surgeon. He told me that I should go on our trip and then the surgery. Problem being, he is leaving on a three week vacation a week after we get back and he won’t do the surgery until he gets back so we are looking at mid April. Now I have been told that the original surgeon who I liked is now back to work with the center through another hospital. I have an appointment for this week to schedule a date the week we get back. It will be 4 months since I was diagnosed and that really scares me. I told them I would cancel my trip but they said no that 2 weeks longer will not matter. It is my understanding that the cancer can double in size in three months. The stress has really gotten to me. I am afraid of what they are going to find after all this time. It was caught early but now I don’t know what to expect. Has anyone else waited this long after diagnosis ? Am I just worried for no reason?
Stressed about waiting for surgery. - Lung Cancer Support
Stressed about waiting for surgery.

hi if it were me i would,nt want to wait that long. er dr found it it was two months later before they did anything. mine was small and in lypmnodes i was stage3 they finally did surgery took left upper lung. good things happen i am now 5 years cancer free.i hope it turns out that way for you i,ll pray for you good luck susiejo1948

Let me make sure I understand correctly. You were waiting on a vats to determine whether or not it was cancerous. If cancerous they were going to remove your lobe if not they would close you up.
As things stand have you had a biopsy yet? It’s not cancer until a biopsy says it’s cancer. Until then it’s a nodule. A scary nodule. Ask if they will do a liquid biopsy, they’re not super accurate but it will tell them if there is any circulating tumor dna.
If it will really only be a 2 week difference in getting a diagnosis then go on the vacation. Try to live and be in the moment.
We all have different experiences. When my lesion was found the Pulmonologist did not do a biopsy. I went to surgery after they confirmed A) It was not Tuberculosis B) I took a regiment of drugs to rule out lung infection. Pulmonologist said, whatever it is we are taking it out and not sure if we will do the “wedge” surgery or entire lobe until they could do a surgical biopsy on the operating table.
I lost the upper right lobe, was 1A. They said mine was a very slow growing cancer. I had waited a couple of months for the surgery and my medical team was not concerned. I too took a planned trip before surgery. My only other thought is go to the surgeon you feel most comfortable with and the timing will work out. Good luck!
Thank you Spainy, that sounds just like the road I am going down. I’m glad to hear they were not concerned. How are you feeling now? I hope all is ok.