What are the pro and cons? My CT is coming up in 3 days to diagnose the 5cn mass in my lung. Lots of anxiety on the choices before me.
How old is too old to fight this battle? - Lung Cancer Support
How old is too old to fight this battle?

The C T scan is the first step. Take this one step at a time. It can take several tests to get a diagnosis. Don't try to make any decisions until you have all the information and understand it. In the meantime try to distract yourself so you are not spending all your time worrying. It's hard, we've all been through it. You are a strong woman with a very strong faith. You can do this.
Jean is right. It's impossible to make an informed decision without all the facts. Of course your mind wants to jump ahead to cover the 'what if' bases because that's how we humans role. Enjoy the moments and hang in there, all is eventually revealed.
Thank you Peg, so true I'm so way ahead of myself as reality of being sick sets in, diving into research reaching out for alternative cures, cancer has taken 4 out of 7 of my immediate family, I ran my office from my parents house so they could pass peacefully in their own beds surrounded by everyone who loved them.. there is only my sister and I left and she has been battling the monster for 4 years now and has finally found an experimental drug that works with little side effects. The blessing is she found the Lord in her we quest. Reminding me to let go and let God, has helped a lot.

You have gotten great advice from Jean and Peg. Right now take things one day at a time, enjoy the beautiful world you live in, and use your faith, your family, and your faith community for support. The answer of what is right for you will unfold in the days ahead. In the meantime, you can look at what you value and set some goals for what will be most important in your treatment decisions. You can use those values to help shape the questions you ask your doctor. If you can talk to the family member who will be going to the appointments with you about these thoughts of what you value, that will help them as well.
You are not old! I'm 68 with a larger lung mass and a hilum mass and a lymph node mass in mediastinum, all discovered accidentally on CT for respiratory infection. Took 2 mo. Before treatment scheduled, which is why the other replies said to hang in there and enjoy life. Yes, there are many other Dr tests to follow, before treatment begins, but each step is important in order to provide you with the best treatment for a cure, and that's what I think will be your goal! My oncologist said I was young! My chemo and radiation start this week for 6 weeks, and frankly, I was a nervous wreck for the past two mo leading up to this, but having treatment finally, feels like a relief. So, hang in there, like others recommended, but I doubt you'll be relaxed and not stressed during this process, but that's OK. I started projects around the house, and did anything I could to keep busy and sort of get my house in order, but I cried suddenly every day, and then just kept going. We don't know how strong we are until being strong is our only choice!
This is true. I am now waiting for the results of my 9 month CT Scan with contrast following surgery in Aug. 2016. Hoping all is well. I am not ready to through in the towel yet.
I am wishing you well at the start of your treatments. Challenging times may lie ahead - the treatment effects will accumulate as the next several weeks go by - keep in touch and we'll help you through it.
I love, love, love your last sentence. It's what I say all the time when people tell me I'm brave or strong. They will be, too, when they need to be.
As others have stated, the not knowing is the hardest part. Getting diagnosed and setting up the treatments seemed like a never ending process for me. I was originally diagnosed in September 2015, but did not start treatments, chemotherapy and radiation, until December 2015.
The treatments were from December to February 2016. This was another journey for which I was not prepared but God carried me through it. My mass was 7cm and at the end of the treatments, it had shrunk to 4.7 cm.
You have so much going for you with your faith in God so give Him a chance to prove that nothing is impossible for Him. He will give you the strength to fight this horrible disease.
God bless you!
Birds are quietly waking outside my window think watching the sunrise with my husband is the thing to do, have a great day 😜😉💃👏🏼❤️🌈

Hi, pattie, everyone here knows how much anxiety goes with waiting for results of tests. I have lung cancer, had middle lobe removed. I am 71 tomorrow. I go for Sandostatin (chemo) once a month and waiting to see if the cancer is spreading or at least stable is torture. However we have to try to remember it's one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. Look for things to be grateful for,, the little things are what mean so much, a grandchilds smile, sunsets, watching the birds outside my door, and friends, they mean so much to us when we need someone to lean on. And of course, people in this community.
One step at a time!

Patti, just realized your already enjoying the birds and the sunsets, :).
Beautifully said, everyone (but you don't need me to tell you that!).
Never too old to fight. I'm sure you have so much to live for. We can't never stop fighting. I just love that saying also. I made it my facebook cover page. We all need to be Strong.