A lymphoedema nurse I sometimes see told me about the HEAL trial that's currently underway in the US, so I thought I'd share the info. Apparently researchers at Stanford University are investigating an anti-inflammatory (acebilustat) for lymphoedema treatment and it has shown promise in improving skin thickening, reducing swelling and even repairing damaged lymphatic pathways. Obviously, even if it does work and the side effects aren't too terrible, it will be years before it gets to market - but interesting nonetheless. There's a video here: youtube.com/watch?v=2mUXh7P...
HEAL trial: A lymphoedema nurse I sometimes see told me... - LSN
HEAL trial
Just to add that this trial is limited to upper extremity Secondary Lymphoedema.
It’s still very early days bearing in mind his long 3 stage medical trials tske. Fingers crossed this trial gets further than the Ubenimex trial did!
Whilst this is true, it is not because the researchers do not believe that the drug will not help patients with lower extremity or primary lymphoedema but because patients with secondary upper extremity lymphoedema are most similar as a group, and therefore are easier to study (and it is hoped that the process will be quicker). In fact, because the drug has already shown promise, the FDA has allowed an Expanded Access Program to be set up, which allows patients with lymphoedema in the leg to use the drug in a clinical setting whilst not actually participating in the trial. Researchers will still be able to observe the results in this group of patients of course. There's an update video here: youtube.com/watch?v=bTCf7cz...
Thanks. I’m aware of that being well acquainted with Stan Rockson’s work and preliminary findings of this particular trial. Hopefully beneficial an extend to Primary as he think it will. He was equally optimistic during early stages of the Ubenimex trial which was a big disappointment in the end hopefully this time a much better outcome